It's taken me a VERY LONG TIME to work up the courage to reach out for help after feeling like my voice has been silenced. After feeling ganged up on, singled out, betrayed by those closest to me 😢 ya know, I keep getting my hopes up thinking I've found a place or two where I have a voice, where I feel l have the support that I desperately need right now. Seems everywhere I go I have people following me around trying to take away or destroy the tools I HAVE SOUGHT OUT IN DESPERATION. The mental health system right now is in crisis!! It has been for a long time and it has progressively gotten worse over the past two years due to the pandemic. If there is going to be ANY kind of GOOD change in this messed up 'system' the voices here who are advocating against stigma, who are capable of making a difference really need to come together right now to make a positive change. I am scared. I am hurting right now and getting very discouraged trying not to 'lose heart.'