I feel so alone in this room all by myself seems like everyone I know is going to hangout with someone and I'm just here can't even get someone to simply talk
Anyone out there feeling alone this h... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone out there feeling alone this holiday

I'm sorry you feel so alone. Did they just not invite you to be with them?
Yes that's exactly what happened
Not very nice friends. That would be very hurtful to me also.
Yea so I'm thinking guess they not real friends u know
I agree with that. Their loss.
U know they were talking biut going out infrint of me didn't even mention me
Seriously? That makes me so angry. People can be so hurtful. Would you ever speak up to them?
There’s always someone to chat to on here, you’re not alone 👍😘
You aren't alone Bill as I am feeling the same way. I just want to be with friends and chat and laugh but am stuck here with no one available. My best friend and I used to get together around once a week or so but now she has a new man and it's more like 6 weeks.
I have a group of friends I go to lunch with once a week but that's generally the only time I see them. I have decided once the Jubilee is over I am going to join Meet Up and make some new friends to hang around with. I am very lonely.
Hello Hypercat. I could have written the same post. As I mentioned, I have moved to Washington DC to be nearer to my son. I am terribly homesick for the friends I left behind in NY. My son is busy and I only get to see him on one of the weekend days. I have not gotten to know a single person in Washington, partly (mostly) because of fear of covid. This means I am alone virtually all of the time. This is not a good way to be.
I am just not sure what to do about this. I don't know if my fear of covid is exaggerated or not. If it's OK I'll PM you later. b1
Bill, as you can see, you are not alone in being lonely. It is still a very bad way to be, though. Have you thought of any ways you might make one or two new (nicer) friends? I am not very religious, but one way is to join a church and participate in their activities, especially the volunteer activities.
I am sorry you feel so alone. I know how it feels to think you are being left out of something. What I have learned to accept is if I was not invited to something God did not want me there. That thought process really helps me. I also then look for another option instead of dwelling on the fact that I wasn't invited and I feel alone. Do you have other people you know? What about looking online for an event in your area for memorial day, or hosting your own gathering. Last year, I was not invited to a party that most of my friends seemed to be invited to, so instead of allowing myself to be bummed and feel left out, I decided to reach out to other people who were not going to that party and we played frisbee golf at a local park and did a simple bbq. I will be praying you find something that you can do to enjoy and not focus on feeling alone. Hugs and God Bless