I've not been on for a couple of weeks and I've noticed the layout of the forum has changed, and I hope I don't get put down, but I really don't like the way it's set up, it just looks very confusing, I can't seem to get a grip of the way either the columns or colours or pictures are set up, does anyone else have an opinion, its just seems rather jumbled up, and rather messy, perhaps it's me, sorry if its a just a picky issue, and maybe there's a reason why?
A new format?: I've not been on for a... - Anxiety and Depre...
A new format?

Hi Cb, it's not just you. It comes with the territory in thatwhen anxious, we don't like changes. But life must go on xx
Twinklystar, I want my yard to look like yours.Yes, your post did give me a smile xx
I haven't noticed any changes. Did they only roll it out to the UK? There is a lot I can complain about already!
I'm unsure, I presume it's world wide, but I've not on for a couple of weeks, but it really doesn't feel right, the layout is terrible 😔
I haven’t noticed any either. Maybe it has something to do with the devices? I use an iPad and a desktop.
Hmm, I'm on my mobile phone, so I don't know if that would make any difference anyway, its definitely different, it's a harder way to look at things and it's quite confusing 🧐
It is not uncommon to roll out releases in different areas. I was on Chrome on my phone and didn't notice anything. I am now on a desktop and everything looks the same. We will probably get to join in the fun in the next few days.
Love ❤️ that Bob !! I’m going to take a picture of this. Wishing U a happy 😃 holiday weekend. Hugs 🤗 Shnookie
He's a handsome lad is Prince Pixie!

‘‘Tis true !! 😃😂
It's true that he is spoilt as well!

It’s OK. We’ll give him a pass. He’s so huggable. Have a great holiday weekend.
Today is a quiet day at home to recover after the stupid nonsense of last week so a quiet day in is ideal watching old episodes of coronation st from 1996!

Sounds good 👌. Enjoy your day. I’m In Los Angeles and Jewish. Tonight I will celebrate the beginning of
Passover at a Seder -
Jesus’s Last Supper - to commemorate
the Jewis freedom from slavery from the Egyptians
No show without Prince Pixie!
Today here is a quiet day watching old coronation st episodes from January 1996 as I feel I deserve a break from the stress of yesterday so a day with the tv is the best option!
You R very welcome
That's nothing new the spoilt one asleep!
Looks the same to me.
Like Blueruth said…..we could be next. Hope not. I still get confused with what we have now. I’ll quit if my screen is chartreuse and the print is diagonal. Lol
I use my phone and have noticed the change. You see the name and beginning of the post then a few lines of the latest response with a gray background. Is that what you are seeing? After a few days I found I liked it.
Lol 😂. Have a lovely holiday weekend
I'm glad you said something. I find the new format much harder to read.
Yes, I don't know if anyone else has paid any attention to this matter, just out of interest are you doing your posts/ comments on a phone or a laptop???? I do all my comments on my phone, so maybe other's aren't picking up this problem perhaps 🤔🙄
Pixiebob rolling on the grass does make it more so inviting.Wishing you a beautiful Easter as well xx
You too, Enjoy xx
Warms my heart ❤️. So precious. Just want to hug him to
piece. Wishing U a lovely
Holiday weekend.
Hugs 🤗 Shnookie ❤️🐈🐰😎
Love ❤️ it !! Thank U for your good wishes. Hugs 🤗 M
One day you will get a house you can't refuse and you will go to tea at mams and walk past those you lost out on with Pixie on his lead and thank your lucky stars you lost out on those places as you would never have gone to the house you couldn't refuse.
The other day I walked past a place I had lost out on and thanked my lucky stars that I had as I wouldn't have been happy there.
I also feel looking back that not getting those jobs I went for just before the pandemic hit was a blessing in disguise as well.
I remember the old days when Snickers were called Marathon bars and Starburst Opal fruits.
Years ago we went to Ireland and they have Tayto crisps there.
Baby is fine and she enjoyed her fish yesterday as we made a seafood paella for yesterday's dinner.
How are you and Prince Pixie getting on?
I am great and started my New job yesterday which I am really enjoying so far.
Baby is well and looking forward to get extra spoils!
Any news on your New job yet?
Pixie is a bossy boots!
Baby would have a telling off if she dared shove us around like that!
Im looking forward to having time with Baby and my sister in law on Sunday.
Thats great getting a bike!
Here in cardiff they do a borrow a bike scheme to help keep cars off the road!
Nice photo M 😘
Oh dear, sorry to hear that, hope you’re ok 😘