Feel like Im stuck : Hi there I’m so... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Feel like Im stuck

Jcb2019 profile image
6 Replies

Hi there I’m so happy to have found this community. I don’t know where to begin. I have a severe anxiety/panic disorder and it started in 2018. I got put on medicine and I feel like it really helped, however, this year it’s gotten bad again. I can be fine sitting there watching tv and then out of no where I think about how I feel hopeless and physically become severely anxious. This started again about 2 weeks ago and it’s a battle to push through my day to day activities. Before this I was still have bad anxiety with other things for example driving long distance. The intrusive and negative thoughts are so scary sometimes and I get so confused why it happens when in reality I love my life. I also worry about burdening my husband who already has so much on his plate. I feel tired ☹️

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Jcb2019 profile image
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6 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Welcome Jcb2019, we're happy to have you here with us.As I was reading your post, I was shaking my head in agreement

of how you are feeling. *been there

There is always a root to what caused anxiety to appear in the first place.

Once it does, it can go into a "free floating mode" where it can suddenly

appear out of no where causing a rush of fear and negative thoughts.

Actually, it's vice versa, the thoughts come before the physical fear.

Being on this safe site,, you will see that you are not alone. We understand

and most of all, we care. :) xx

Jcb2019 profile image
Jcb2019 in reply to Agora1

Thank you kindly for you words🙏🏼❤️

tofler profile image

Hi, just wanted to say hello and that I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a difficult time. Anxiety and intrusive thoughts can really make life difficult (I'm currently off work because of stress, anxiety and depression). A couple of questions popped into my head when reading your post. Are you still on the medication that was prescribed for you in 2018? Do you have anyone who you can talk to about how you're feeling? I noticed that you said you love your life but also feel hopeless sometimes, so maybe there are things there that could be talked through in a bit more detail with someone?

Jcb2019 profile image
Jcb2019 in reply to tofler

Hello, thanks for your reply! Yes I’m still on the medication and since this most recent episode and bout of anxiety and negative thinking I went up in my medication about a week and a half ago. I am able to talk to my husband and I do but he is already under an incredible amount of stress so I feel like a burden. I did have my first intake appointment for counseling but I have not been assigned yet. Morning time for me is the worse I wake up feeling extremely anxious and my mindset is all over the place.

designguy profile image

Hello and welcome to the site. I had anxiety/panic for years and found that medication helped some in making things more manageable but it did not eliminate the anxiety/panic. I think this is quite common for others also. Trying to manage it, control it or out think it is exhausting and a never ending cycle.

One of the things that really helped me was learning that I had been taught the wrong way in how to deal with anxiety/panic and that the most constructive way is to learn to accept the anxious thoughts and feelings and let them pass through you. It's our resistance and suppression of them that causes us the problems. Anxiety is a paradox, the more you try to control it, deny it or suppress it the more it persists so the key is to surrender and accept and learn to no longer fear it.

I found the DARE Anxiety book, youtube videos and their phone app very helpful. Another good book is At Last A Life And Beyond by Paul David. Also learning and practicing simple mindfulness is a very valuable tool to be able to disengage from your anxious thoughts and realize they have no power or control over you.

Another thing is to make sure your hormones, thyroid and adrenals are functioning properly, if not, they can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression.

1947treble profile image

I'm glad you found the site and that you posted. I used to have severe anxiety and it's lowered somewhat. I have found some things that calm me down and I'm sure if you try a variety of things that you can find some that match your interests. I watch art videos, or nature. Journalling my thoughts helps tremendously, DBT therapy has skills like deep breathing and grounding. I've noticed when I do more during the day I feel better when it becomes evening. A lot of anxiety came from self defeating and negative thoughts so I try to read,watch, listen to things that have a positive message. Medication can be a major help. Posting on here was obviously a really good choice. I hope that covered at least something that can help you a little bit. I understand anxiety pretty well if you want more suggestions or just a one-on-one conversation about it feel free to message me.

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