Hi, I write this out of sheer frustration of being ignored by g.p.'s who nowadays do not have the time, (some lack empathy or compassion of any kind), or the willingness to actually listen to what is being said to them.
They are only too happy to dole out antidepressants as though they were smarties, and quite happy to blame every symptom you go in with on being depressed, or feeling low and anxious.
I am trying my hardest to help myself, to get some type of quality of life back, but I just seem constantly to be hitting brick wall after brick wall.
This is frustrating the absolute hell out of me, to the point where I start thinking "what is the point"? Who cares anyway?
Is it too much to ask to get an appointment with a Psychiatrist? Apparently so!! The only help I have been offered is group therapy, once a week for 6 months, which would be fine if it were not 2 bus journeys away, and I never do well with group therapy anyway.
I struggle every single day, just to get through the day sometimes, I have no-one to support me, no-one to help me, i'm single, live alone and have no children.
I will be 50 soon, and when I think back, all I see is how much time I have wasted, how much I have struggled, and all the crap that I have been through. It's too much to cope with on my own. So what do you do?
I know there is no magic wand, and just to reassure people reading this, I am not suicidal, i'm just desperately trying to get somewhere, to move forward, to be comfortable with myself, get some quality back into what is left of my life.
I don't even know if any of this makes any sense whatsoever, but given the chance that anyone might be able to relate to some of it, any feedback would be most welcome.
Thank you for your time and take care..