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4 Replies

I am new here. My name is Alyssa. I have been struggling with depression much of my life, but it increased in 2010 when mother passed away from kidney cancer. A few years later, I was laid off from my teaching job. My brother got me an interview with a school in Florida.

I was scared to move away from my family and friends, but figured I would have my brother and his wife as friends. The school was difficult, but I found my now husband. We even bought a house together. I thought my life is finally going the way I want.

Fast forward a few years, my brother died a a drug overdose in April 2018. I have never been the same. He was the glue that kept our family together. He was so funny and talented. I don't get to see my nieces anymore since he died.

2 months after my brother died, I found out I had stage 4 tongue cancer. Never smoke. Couldn't understand it. Nearly died, and sometimes wish that I had. It was a horrific experience.several picks and homeo]ar%

I had to go back to work as a teacher due to the laws here. I went back to work, but barely survived. I finally stopped working in Nov. 2019. I am so glad I did because Covid started short after.

I feel tired, depressed, and unmotivated. I have tried so may fix

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4 Replies
fromzerotopanic profile image

Im so sorry you've had such loss and sadness in your life. But, in spite of everything, it sounds like you have managed to continue on with your life in the midst of your depression, which I think is something for which to be proud! You could have crawled under a proverbial rock after everything but you chose to go on with living. Is your husband supportive? Have you had any luck with meds/therapy in the past?

Starrlight profile image

My heart goes out to you in a big way ❤️ I’m so sorry and I am here any time you want to talk pm me any time. Since you’ve been through a lot journaling or talking it out is good. Love to you

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry to hear about all the struggles you have been through in the past. It has to be challenging. It seems like when one things happens many other things seem to come up in our lives. My staple has been holding onto my faith and knowing is God is by my side even in the most difficult times. I lost my mom in 2011, my dad in 2019, my uncle in 2018 and my aunt in 2019. Loss is part of life, but is is how we deal with these struggles and challenges. I also struggle with depression on and off for over 24 years. I have found positive self-talk and what I focus on makes the difference to feeling better. I haven't experienced cancer so I can't relate to that, but I do have friends that do and they find trying to find hope and focusing on a positive outlook is how we feel better and heal. What you believe and focus on is what you are: is a phrase I try to remind myself daily. I have these techniques that seem to help me. Also are you in counseling? I find talking out with a professional also is very helpful.

1) I remind myself that healing comes from the inside out. It starts with changing our focus and behavior. Becoming aware of what your body may need to relax and be peaceful through self-care and personal nourishment. Take time for yourself - you are worth it. Like taking walks, baths, massages, mani/pedi/, listening to uplifting music/sermons and anything that makes you feel refreshed and renewed.

2) The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting.

3)The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those.

4) Emotional Freedom Tapping - You use pressure points to tap on those points while you repeat positive uplifting things to yourself.)

I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless

lovetodance2018 profile image

How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs

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