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Does anyone else feel alone in this everyday struggle with anxiety & fear?. I've no one to talk to about how I feel.

Teddy79 profile image
26 Replies

I've struggled with anxiety & fear a long time now but these past few months it's getting worse. I don't go out, I over think too much which doesn't help with my anxiety. I've went from a confident bubbly social person to a complete wreck. It's a constant battle everyday with my thoughts. Can anyone here relate? . I try meditation but I just can't do it. I listen to relaxing music & it sometimes helps calm my mind. I'm seriously thinking of getting meds off the doctor but I've been there before with meds & it's hard coming off them so meds was my last resort. Can anyone help?

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Teddy79 profile image
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26 Replies

Hello :-)

So many of us will relate to how you feel and can reassure you that you are not alone , I am struggling so much at the moment I am frightening myself

I have always resisted medication but now I am ready to try it as nothing else works and I have tried most things and if they helped before then I would certainly go back on them :-) x

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to

It's so hard, I'm really struggling too at the minute. I think I might just have to go on medication, but I think if i had someone to talk to, someone who will listen to me & advise me how to try deal with how I'm feeling then I think it would help me but I've no one. Have you ever tried homeopathy medicine?. I just wondered if it could help x

in reply to Teddy79

Hello :-)

You have all of us to talk to I know it is over the internet but we do all understand :-)

No I have never tried it so I cannot say if it works but maybe if you thought you would like to see if it worked for you then you could give it a go and if it doesn't then you could go on the other meds from the Doctor :-) x

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to

Thank you so much you've been very kind 🙂.. It's good to have found this site to speak to people going threw similar situations.. I hope we can both find a way to come threw this.. I think I'll give homeopathy a go, see how I get on before going back to my doctor..Again thank you for you're advice & kind words 🙂xx

in reply to Teddy79

Anytime and yes together I am sure we will find a way to get through this :-)Let us know how you get on trying them out and how you find them :-) x

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to

I'll pray that we will. All we can do is take each day as it comes. I will let you know how I get on with them 🙂xx

in reply to Teddy79

:-) x

socratesanne profile image
socratesanne in reply to Teddy79

Pharmaceutical often can turn off the autonomic nervous system and then the brain is not getting the80% information it needs to send the brain the information is needs to regulate its 20% adequately for the brain to function well. I use naturopathic remedies, i.e. Tyrosine. and that helps. Phosphate Serine I specially like during dark months. Many like Tryptaphan and 5HTP. Many have liked St Johns Wart but I was never fond of it for some reason.

The pandemic does affect our nervous system because we cannot socialize , so important to our ventral vagus nerve as the healing nerve. This isolation takes its toll on my psyche. Work hard to meditate, educate as often as I have time and try not to shut down. Getting good sleep is so important. I must say thru this pandemic my health has improved but my mood is corrupted by the internet, all the false information out there especially when it is directed by those who are only speculating or taking advantage on the unsuspecting naïveté with so much information.

I rarely use info from the internet but I go to the source in books leading my entire house into a library of resources and research . I assure truth bearing information. Some forums on the intent are of value but need to be careful on there. Everyone is trying to make a buck off false information. It is hard nowadays to assure quality of information. There are many who seem to resound with helpful information. I am on a forum for past five years on trauma which helps my research to explore my own temperament in this day and age of confusion and mainly fear.

Since I grew up with fear since was three years old. I was forced to perceive the real world as I had no one to instruct me. In a way that is probably what is saving me now but it is tiring to have had to go it alone for decades. I know what it is like to go it alone, knowing now that we need a strong healthy community within our midst. These communities seem to be crumbling and that is scary for me but it is not something I do not recognize easily and that seems to help. I wish everyone bravery and trust in your own neuroception as your guide.

Lostinlonliness profile image

I am so sorry and know how you feel. I am 77 and I just had a bout with cancer. Then Covid lockdowns. So I am not going out much either.😍

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to Lostinlonliness

I'm so sorry you've had alot to deal with. How are you now with the cancer? Are you getting treatment?.. Covids had a huge impact on everyone I think, I believe it's caused a huge amount of anxiety & stress for everyone including myself 😔

socratesanne profile image
socratesanne in reply to Lostinlonliness

Not much under your age, and hope your health continues to improve. Wishing you well. Scary times for all especially with health conditions. Take good care and enjoy the sun as it seems to really boost my spirits. Think that is why lately with a series of rainy days the mood started to take a dive, so I hibernate like a bear.

This seems to help when I do it, even though it is not getting work done for the home or daily activities. It does help my health and keep my spirit from that dive. Just have to fight the guilt that was so easy to thrust on me growing up.

So many conditions of others worth are placed on us early in life instead of allowing us to trust our own. inner lights. Wishing you health and happiness.

Jeff1943 profile image

The way forward for you I suggest is clear. Stop struggling with your anxiety as it's getting you nowhere. Fighting anxiety only causes more stress and strain and you don't need more of that.

As they say, if you're digging yourself into a hole the first thing to do is to stop digging.

So instead of fighting your anxiety, do what millions have done to recover. Accept your anxious thoughts. Not for ever of course, but for the time being.

When worrisome thoughts come then let them come. But stay calm, remain relaxed. After all, you know full well high anxiety exaggerates all our worries ten fold and can produce false symptoms that mimic genuine illness.

You say you fear for a long time now. Perhaps we cannot escape the flash of first fear but you can stop adding second fear to first fear. You see, fear means releasing quantities of cortisol and adrenalin into your system which keeps your nervous system in a over sensitised state. The body senses anxiety and thinks you're in danger so it releases these hormones to give you energy for 'fight or flight'. But in today's world when anxiety strikes you're going nowhere so these hormones just make your nerves more sensitive.

You can recover without meds if you wish, it is your decision. If you decide to recover without them, then stop fighting your anxiety and stop frightening yourself half to death every five minutes.

Accept the waves of anxiety even as a rock on the shore accepts the waves of the sea that wash and crash over it and then recede. The rock endures. You are that rock. Let the anxiety wash over you, it cannot harm you for it is a toothless paper tiger.

Practice Acceptance and you lose your fear of those bad thoughts and feelings that have been causing you so much unhappiness. You see, you cannot truly accept something and fear it at the same time. As fear dies so your nervous system loses its over-sensitivity and you recover your quiet mind.

The Acceptance method is no quick fix. It takes time and practice. You spent a long time getting yourself into this state, allow as long as it takes for your high anxiety to yield.

Stop overthinking. Accept anxious thoughts when they come your way. Stop generating the hormones of fear for they are your enemy. Of course you can do it, millions already have and they were no braver or more intelligent than you.

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to Jeff1943

Jeff you're absolutely spot on, I've been trying this alot recently, yes it's hard to accept these feelings of fear, anxiety & over thinking. I seem to get worse but like you say it'll take time & practice to try to manage & cope with these feelings. The last few months I've completely avoided driving or going out anywhere. It's just taken over my life at the minute & i have gotten myself in a rut. Thank you so much for you're advice I really appreciate it. I'll keep trying this 🙂

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Teddy79

May I suggest that if you only read one more book in your life that book should be 'Self help for your nerves' by Doctor Claire Weekes 'the woman who cracked the anxiety code' also published in the U.S. under the title 'Hope and help for your nerves'.In this book Weekes takes you step by step through her Acceptance method for recovery from anxiety, people say when they read it that you feel she knew you personally.

It is claimed that her books, talks and media appearances have helped millions to full recovery. Certainly helped me to do so. You can pick up a copy new or used for just a couple of dollars or pounds online.

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to Jeff1943

Thanks very much Jeff. I've ordered this today..

Bba6 profile image
Bba6 in reply to Teddy79

Me too. Your posts have my name written all over them.

Bba6 profile image
Bba6 in reply to Jeff1943

This is good! Thank you!

lisa40509 profile image

Hi Teddy!!

I relate. I’ve chosen to stay on meds but recently had to increase them. A lot of times when I do meditation I have all my thoughts just popping through the voices trying to get me to relax. I’m sure I look like a circus act with yoga poses as I get all stiff and anxious. I would talk to your doctor and see if you can get a script for occasional break through anxiety? I know that helps me some. Warm Wishes! Lisa

Teddy79 profile image
Teddy79 in reply to lisa40509

Hi lisa

I get what you mean with the meditation I'm exactly the same. I just can't seem to settle my mind enough to do it. My doctor isn't the greatest sometimes & prescribes anything. He doesn't really listen to how you're feeling. I really don't want to go back on meds, they're Unfortunately my last resort as I've 2 young kids at home & I need to get better for them. Thank you for responding. All the best to you 🙂

Jstbcuz profile image

Yes I can relate, first of all meditation takes practice, please continue to do this 2x per day. There is nothing wrong with taking meds. You don't have to struggle through this. Meds have helped me tremendously. I have dealt with anxiety for more than 20 years and it's no fun. Please make an appt and go see a good psychiatrist. Anxiety is one of the most treatable mental health conditions there is. I know how hard it is for you. Trust me I have been there. I truly hope you can get the resources you need. You will see how much better you feel in a very short time. Blessings 🙌

Stinkpot profile image

Have you tried Cognitive Behaviour Therapy? Whilst not a magical cure, it has helped me with my negative, anxious thoughts.

Daveacr1959 profile image

Jeff gave you good advice. I will tell you what helps me also. 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep is anxiety fuel. 45 minutes of daily cardio exercise to produce endorphins that battle your anxiety and depression.

This one is a bit hardcore, but it’s a game changer if your dr ok it. A 5-10 minute pure cold shower daily. Google cold shower therapy for mental health. It keeps the fight or flight hormones in balance. Then 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises. We are here for you.

Peroxideblader profile image

I feel so similar too. however I would be much worse if I wasn't on escitalopram low dose I've been on it for 13 years stopped twice and hit rock bottom again so I'm staying on it now I realise I need it to save me from sliding into a black hole. I do mindfulness and studied cbt and other psychotherapies which do help but not enough without my AD . we're all different but I would say please try and you may have to try a few before one helps...sending healing thoughts x

Tara52 profile image

I struggle with anxiety from being alone so much. I have to force myself to get out but I have very few connections with people. Prayer & meditation help. Being around nature calms me. Watching the sunset calms me too. I knowcthat people who have pets seem to find comfort in caring for them. I have been thinking about getting a dog. I am not sure if I can afford the expenses that come along with it though right now. 🤭Anyway I don't think I have been much help to you but I will pray for you.🙂🙏 And I do believe we have a heavenly Father who is always close to us and loving us. Sometimes I can tangibly feel His peace & presence. I hope you will feel it too.🥰 Hugs!

BeeBee50 profile image

Hi Teddy79 I thought I'd posted this myself as its been happening to me. If I go out, a big if, I have to have someone with me because I'm actually scared 😱 I'm just existing and so called friends aren't interested 🥺 I've struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time, so I can definitely relate to what you're going through. I go to my appointments, but sometimes I cancel them!! I honestly don't think anyone would be bothered if I wasn't here. If anyone else says 'just go out' I will go mad!! Do you have any family or friends support? I have a small dog, I can't even walk her now, I have one good friend and her mum that quite often walk her for me 🙏🏼 I'm on lots of medication for other things too but I can't sleep, I can't concentrate on anything and I'm scared too hun that I can't deal with day to day life. I will always say you have to go through it to understand it. Where have I disappeared to? From the most outgoing person to a recluse 😢 I don't come on here as much as I used to but I know that we aren't alone, I just wish we could all chat properly once a week too as a group, maybe a WhatsApp group 🤔 I know that when I've been here before there's a lot of good people with real advice because they've been there or going through it 😊 sending you big 🫂 🤗 you have a friend who understands ❤

Marysblue profile image

You are doing meditation right. You cant stop your thoughts. Just practice being present and watching them. Walking 30 minutes a day helps my anxiety. There's also herbs. Ashwagandha helps me a lot after about 3 weeks of being on it. L-theanine is good.

Reduce your caffeine. Lavender, ylang ylang oil can calm me. Hot baths, Gratitude journaling.

Today I was on edge a lot I took a fourth of a Vistaril twice. I'm trying my best not to get hooked on benzos.

It sounds like you're doing a lot of good things.

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