Has anyone had this before and then had another child and was fine ? I'm thinking about having another kid in the next couple of years but I had a kid 3 years ago n suffered the worst depression in all my life I believe I had postpartum psychosis as I wanted to harm my child and myself but prevented myself from doing so but in Jan 2020 got the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia im not on any meds anymore and doing alright but I'm thinking what if it happens again x
Postpartum psychosis and depression a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Postpartum psychosis and depression and schizophrenia diagnosis
Hi my sister had postpartum psychosis , after giving birth the hormone progesterone drops dramatically and this is a leading cause for pp there was an NHS Dr called Katherina Dalton she pioneered progesterone treatment to prevent pp which NHS used as their protocol successfully but big pharma stepped in and pp is now treated with pharmaceutical drugs rather than natural progesterone, my sister during her lifetime was put on one drug after another for her bi polar disorder which followed her pp but none of them worked bc her problem was an hormonal one and shouldve been treated with hormones.A US nurse called Doris King has written a book claiming natural progesterone cream can cure bipolar and schizophrenia
I suggest you do some research on natural progesterone cream but it isnt easy to come by as big pharma want to keep this amazing product away from people
Oh right I didn't know can u get this from the dr x

You cant get natural progesterone cream from your GP. but you can buy it online or ebay - it has been deemed to be completely ineffective by big pharma Superdrug sell it online and call it a beauty cream. But it is very effective
I was taught in nursing school that postpartum depression is more common than people think and to look out for this. I’m not too sure about the psychosis, you got through it but if it were to happen you will get through it again. I think the question to also ask if what if it doesn’t?
I know it’s tough and probably extremely terrifying so it must be hard to not be worried about it. But you are so strong. You are a mother now and I think after experiencing that huge shift in your life you can get through anything that comes your way. Good luck to you and your journey.
Thank u so much yer it took a bit of time but I'm on the mend now off medications so all gd thanks again x
Hi texty18,
I’m so sorry to hear about you become unwell. I don’t know much about progesterone and schizophrenia psychosis - sorry.
I do know vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia being the autoimmune disease) can cause huge mood changes and psychosis.
I have coeliac disease and b12 injections. Being a bookworm. I read about both and was horrified. There are lots of other sources of info not just this link
Best wishes