No matter what, my mum is always there for me. My issue is dating rules and I've always been bitter about it. It's always my mom's line that the mainstream guys will abuse and rape you. She told me so. The learning disabilities guys took advantage of me as well. My learning disabilities are mild, but I have an intellectually minded mind, and I am aware that some men lie a lot to impress women, so I have tried to learn from that mistake. Video games and technology are my strengths. He also protects his wife more than anyone and knows I better than anyone. I asked my little sister if she had any weird things happening to our mother. I told you I am not a kid or a teenager, so treat me like an adult. I am a 23-year-old woman. I have the same mother.
What's wrong with my mom that she can... - Anxiety and Depre...
What's wrong with my mom that she can't just let me be by myself without trying to boss me around and control me?
I feel your frustration and anger
When I was growing up I had no disabilities but still I felt my parents were overprotective which would make me angry and frustrated to
I now am a Mother of 3 adult children as old as 40 and young as 27
The 27 year old is still at home and I still look out for him , I still lecture him and he gets frustrated with me and reminds me how old he is but from my view it is because I love them so much and afraid sometimes something bad will happen to them even though I have learnt to worry and try not to say to much as they are adults
Your Mum is possibly overprotective because you do have mild learning disabilities and with all the cruel things that happen today she fears for you because she loves you so much even though you may not feel this from her as at your age you just want to get on with what you want to do
I know you may end up in arguments which really does not help
It would be so good if you could find a way where you could both sit down and talk letting each have their turn to express how you feel and how your Mum feels and come to a stage where you can find a middle where you are both happy
But don't let relationships and boyfriends be the main focus in life because when the time is right you will meet someone that not only you like but your Mum will know is a decent and good enough for her Daughter
Go out for now and have fun with your friends x
The problem is that I've already tried talking and I don't get anywhere. I just want to move out, but I need a support worker to assist me. yet i just want to avoid the negative attention . I spend most of my time in my bedroom. My trust has been used more by younger women and men who have learned disabilities' And I don't have any friends.
Can you get a support worker to help you ?
I am sorry you have no friends
Could you not take some hobbies up where you might start meeting people ?
Give things time and I hope everything comes good for you x
Since the college i attended was a special college for learning disabilities, I don't have the support of a social worker or any other support job at the moment. I have trouble making friends with women since I do not trust them after my bad experiences when a younger women trying to force a friendship with them. this is only happen when i ended a relationship or get into a a relationship while i was in college . now that i am not since i am gratitude from college
So sorry you have had to go through these experiences I hope somehow something will come along and you can start to enjoy your life x
my mum never believe about the girls were and she through I was a crazy .
O dear so sorry to hear that x

you can have me as a friend..
i feel your feeling, i have the same thing, i think your mom is very wrong and tough! my mom is also that way, and i know how you feel cause i feel the same way.... i am there for you really! i understand you! i think you have to write your feelings down and write what happened in your room and face the feeling you have , maybe cry it out, and write it out, and then once your done , show it to your mom, i know how to deal with these things and stuff so i am trying to tell you what i think it is best for you , cause i went through too much things, and one of these things is the wrong on our moms ....
My mum eyes sight is very poor and writing down hasn't done anything . I had think did write one thing down