I am always prefer to be in a relationship and so far none of my relationship never seem to work out and i just think I just going the bad luck streak with relationship. the issue is that I do not like being single. I feel more lonely. I has tried online dating both learning disabilities dating sites and mainstream dating. they were worst time on and very much guys only there for sex. even got some crazy guys. I am just want to know what I am doing wrong and can't find guys attracted. My hobby are golf, video gaming and watching cartoon on Netflix. my likes are technology, learning new things , buses, train, cars and also trams that are trains. I am not sure where i am going wrong now. i do not find attractive guys hot. I just see them already has tons of girls at their feet.
Why I am always felt that being singl... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why I am always felt that being single is not very good to be single?
I am from stupid UK . not with learning disabilities it takes ten more times more harder . I met up with guy at McDonald didn't get any good vibe . more of friends vibe . he was too attractive and too tall .
Being single can be tough and no one likes to be Lonely. But, bad relationships are also, tough. I think the best thing is to look for is someone Kind. Then if your not a match as Partners, you can remain good friend.
That what I been doing and seen a lot crazy guys . my last ex boyfriend has mental heath isuse . i just it more harder with learning disabilities. it just take ages to do anything with a group that I could be going to .

I'm sure it is difficult. Sometimes it's just not meant to be. But, keep getting out there with friends, having a good time and it will happen, I'm sure. 👍
I am just waiting until I get call back from my from a group . that one my new friend i made from McDonald's . didn't get any vibe since he was too attractive and I was to scared .
Well.I have been single fon long time, but before of it, I was a person that neither wanted to be alone, so I spent long time in different relationships that were wrong too. After all of that I decided to be single.
What I could see in my current years without a partner, is that there are many men that are not good for a serious relationship. They just want sex or they are some kind of bad people. I also noticed that when people is looking for a partner because they do not like to feel lonely, it is less easy to see the real intentions of those other people. After that I realize that the same happened to me with my relationships. I was so focused in my loneliness that I did not have my head clear enough to identify a good person. We are not perfect so we are not able to identify all the good people from the not good. But the feeling of loneliness makes us a little blind.
This is my own opinion based in my personal experience.
But what I want to say is, be patient, do not let that the feeling of loneliness control your head.
Try to change a bit the perspective of loneliness so you will feel less pain for not having a partner.
You will find it. I know. Meanwhile work in yourself, in your feelings. In you well being.
What if already tried this and yep i already tried waiting . I all i got is creep and crazy men. men that do not understand no mean . I been in more bad relationship . i had bad friends some more with women . I already tried to thinking another way . it doesn't work at all . for having a learning disability. I also hate being younger . nothing good comes from it . also dislike being single .