On Instagram, my cheater ex boyfriend tried to ask me out while I was looking for single men with a learning disability. My ex-boyfriend texted me while I'm still single and wanted to be a boyfriend. I responded that I am not interested and blocked him. Out of all of my ex-boyfriends, he was by far the worst. The yonger women he was friends with and the one i knew had a crush on him, she always tried to get involved or make drama and make me feel inferior. In college, I told my ex-boyfriend I wasn't trusting young women. Afterwards, I discovered he had cheated on me and caught him. Yeah, he was mad as hell after we broke up. In college, I attended a learning disabilities special college. After he said that line, I realized he was about to cheat. Is it okay for me to have more than one girlfriend? My answer was No. The only thing I want to say to him is that I am not even interested. Does that mean I'll start being rude to him or are you really that immature and can't find another girlfriend? Is there another way?
Why is it hard to convince a cheating... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why is it hard to convince a cheating ex boyfriend that you're not interested in him?
The group I join for a learning disability has my cheater ex boyfriend that I didn't know was in the group. In this case, I am unsure what to do about him going to a group or telling a person about him. I told one person about him. He turned out to be his best friend.
While we were in a relationship in college, I broke up with him. After being cheated on by him, I have no interest in him. I was the one who ended the relationship. You either didn't read or didn't give much attention to the details I mentioned in my question. Although I want to be left alone , he finds me attractive and continues to like me.

If he genuinely liked you he wouldn’t have cheated - sorry to be blunt. You did the right thing in ending it but it seems like you still have a soft spot for him because you are questioning why he is interested. He is interested because he messed up. Don’t talk about him to others in the group, it makes you look like you are not over him. You want to try to be at a place where you are indifferent about him.
That guy is bad news!! Be proud of yourself that you ended the relationship and told him you’re not interested because you deserve a lot better than him. He seems like he’s a chancer, doesn’t know how loyalty works and how to be in a real relationship. If I were you, I’d block him from all platforms, his number, ignore him in the street/in person and not waste anymore energy on him. Maybe you could write down all your frustrations about him so it gets it out of your head and helps you process everything. If he keeps bothering you call the police as that is harassment.
I been to club at town . he was there and tried to talk to me even I kept saying No . when my mum picked me up . I told her about my ex boyfriend and she didn't do nothing about it .
i don't care about him any more and want him to get hurt even more