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Anyone want to take a personality test for fun? Questions 5, 6, and 7

LadyZen profile image
17 Replies

(Note: I figured we can hit the last 3 questions all at once and go out with a bang like fireworks.)

(Note: You do not need to have answered the previous questions to join. You can join in the personality test with the current question if you are late to the party. Also, try to stick with describing what is asked or you might be jumping ahead of the personality test.)

Questions 5, 6, 7:

Imagine yourself walking alone through a forest. You stumble across a path. You continue walking along the path until you come across a bear. Once past the bear, you reach some water. You need to cross over the water to continue on your journey. As you continue on your journey, you stumble upon a key on the ground.

5. Describe the key. What do you think it unlocks? Decide what you do with the key and keep walking until you arrive at a beach.

6. Describe the beach. Is anyone on the beach? You take in the sights and sounds of the beach and then turn back to continue on your journey.

7. You walk for some time until you reach a wall. Describe the wall. Can you get past the wall? Is there anything beyond the wall?

My Reponse:

5. The key looks like a cheap brass spare house key. I put it in my pocket to give it to the park ranger at the end of this hike.

6. There's a few people on the beach, possibly families. It's very windy though. For some reason, I see a blond lady looking out into the sea for her young kids. I see a red and white beach umbrella. It's cloudy too.

7. It's a red brick wall. I can't see over it, but it's low enough for me to climb with some help. There's no way around it, so I wait for someone to come by. I chat with the person and we discuss whether we should just go back. We decide against it because of the bear. The person gives me a boost on their back, and I pull them up. We stand on the wall and see a clear field of grass surrounded by more forest. We jump down and head towards the forest to find the park ranger and parking lot to go home.

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LadyZen profile image
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17 Replies
Imaaan profile image

5. Describe the key. What do you think it unlocks? Decide what you do with the key and keep walking until you arrive at a beach

^^^A chance encounter with an aged key, hooked on a golden thin necklace in a bottle. I smash the bottle like the Greeks and say "Opa"! I retrieve the necklace key from the shattered glass and notice it has hieroglyphic symbols on the side and a star shaped ending . My mind wanders to it unlocking untold treasures buried in a pyramid located in an alternate universe. Mysterious! I must find the door that will appear like a mirage. I place the necklace around my neck for safe keeping and begin to search for an imaginary door. Iz diz a mission based on hallucination maybe...... .

Imaaan profile image

6. Describe the beach. Is anyone on the beach? You take in the sights and sounds of the beach and then turn back to continue on your journey.

^^^^A warm, serene and white sandy beach. Seashells scatter about in all sizes and shapes. The seagulls fly high above it. Palm trees surround it providing shade from the searing sun. It yearns and beckons out for visitation. There is not a single other human besides me, myself and I.

Imaaan profile image

7. You walk for some time until you reach a wall. Describe the wall. Can you get past the wall? Is there anything beyond the wall?

^^^A wall appears in my line of sight. Black and imposing. I venture a lil closer to examine it. To my surprise it has a mini door in the shape of a golden pyramid with a keyhole. I rip the necklace off in delight and place the key in there. The door slowly opens while playing the theme song from the movie Indiana Jones.......I take a quick peek and venture on to a parallel Egyptian universe.

Edited to add: Depp in all his debonair ways drawls out the words , "welcome home darrrrlin".

Got ya ;) LadyZen

Isinatra profile image

I see a gold deadbolt key. I pocket it to probably throw it away later. The beach is quiet and empty. Pure white sand . Sparkling from the sun. A few seabirds here and there. Tiny crabs burrowing into the sand, some skittering. I better move on, I’m getting thirsty. Mom will worry if I’m late. I must have heatstroke! There’s a concrete wall in the middle of nowhere! This has to be a dream! If it’s a dream, then I can fly over it. I don’t see a door….there’s no way around it. I do alot of flying in my dreams, so this should be a piece of cake. I concentrate. Lift up and over. The landing was a little rough, but I did it. Im scratching my head, if this isn’t a dream, I’ve got a whopper of a story to tell my mom.

Sillysausage234 profile image

As I carry on along the pathway I realise I need to pee so I slip into the forest to relieve myself…..on the floor I see a key like a big key like the kind for a treasure chest I…I look through the clearing in the trees and would you believe there’s a beautiful beach 🏖 it’s totally isolated except for a polar bear swimming along on a paddle board …..I rub my eyes As i notice a scantily clad woman walking along the beach towards me ….as she gets nearer my heart starts to beat fast as I realise ….it’s charlize theron 🌞.

LadyZen profile image
LadyZen in reply to Sillysausage234

Lol, oh my goodness. I think you found Charlize's key. Unfortunately, you peed on it. Now she's going to sic her South African polar bear on you. You're going to run right into that wall at the end of the journey.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to LadyZen

I think On reflection I’m concussed from the last chapter.

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Sillysausage234


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234

Then she says…I’ve lost my key. Nope, you say. I haven’t seen it. 😉

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

After the way Charlize looked in the picture yesterday I hope she soaked some of that dirt off in the salt water. 🙄


Isinatra profile image

😂😂😂Silly has a perpetual pass.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Isinatra

And a personality disorder

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234

😂If that what it takes to get a pass, then I’m on it!

Isinatra profile image

Lol Who’s the guy?

Dolphin14 profile image

The key is silver. It fits in the lock at the beach house.

The beach is absolutely gorgeous. To explain I will just show a picture . There is no one on the beach. It's my time alone with the ocean.

The wall is concrete. It's right in my way, blocking the path I want to continue. I know my journey is full of changes. I will not worry about this wall. I'm going to get over or around it one way or the other. When I do work my way past it there is a new destiny for me on the other side. It may be there for a purpose. To make me chose a new direction.


The beach
LadyZen profile image

Here's the interpretation for everything else. Honestly, the one thing I found fascinating was that I saw a blond woman on the beach, while SillySausage saw Charlize Theron. How did we end up at the same beach I wonder? What could it possibly mean? Anyway, thanks for helping me pass the time and relieve some anxiety:

The Key

The key represents work and career related interests.

The keys appearance may reveal how other people see your career.

The keys function reveals your career goals.

If you picked up the key, you are likely to grasp opportunities.

If you left the key where it was, you have or are likely to, let opportunities pass you by.

Appearance (how other people see your career):​

The more ornamental the key, the more you prefer a career that is remarkable, distinctive or unique.

Outdated or antiquated keys show you feel more comfortable in a conventional or long established career.

Function (career goals):

If the key opens everyday things such as cars and school lockers, your expectations about your career in terms of wealth, joy and accomplishments are average.

Keys to royal residences, castles, fortresses or mansions reveal a desire for power.

If the key is able to unlock and open a number of things, you are probably undecided about which career path to follow.

Keys to items or places along the way reveal a desire to choose a career that will solve a challenge.

Keys that allow access to valuable things such as a treasure box indicate a desire to accumulate wealth.

Keys to personal belongings such as diaries or lockets indicate that a fulfilling career for you is one which addresses other people’s needs.

A magical key or a key to a magical world may reveal excessively optimistic expectations from a career.

If the key is of little or no value, you are rather pessimistic about finding a rewarding and fulfilling career.

The Beach

The beach is symbolic of how you relate to people around you.

The number of people you pictured on the beach relates to the number of people you want around you. A truly socially gregarious person is most comfortable in the company of a large number of people. They seek an audience and will see a beach packed full with people.

If you see a deserted beach, you are happy with your own company. You’re happy to spend long periods on your own where others would feel lonely.

If you saw one or two people, you wouldn’t like spending too much time in crowded pubs, clubs or bars. You may even avoid them. You have the potential to be a social animal but you wouldn’t get lonely stranded on a desert island. You’re content for long periods of time on your own.

Where you see people on the beach is symbolic of how you relate to people around you.

If you saw people close enough to talk to, this suggests you want contact with other people most of the time.

If you saw people that weren’t close enough to talk to, you don’t need contact with people all of the time but you like to know that someone is there for you.

If you saw people far off in the distance, you are happy with your own company.

The Wall

The wall is symbolic of death.

If you cannot see beyond the wall, or cannot find a way past the wall you probably have a fear of death or a belief that life ends when you die.

If you can get past the wall, you don’t see death as the end... your journey continues.

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to LadyZen

A fascinating read. Thanks for taking us on a whirlwind writing workshop. It was a fun and creative exercise.

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