I have had horrible anxiety since my 2nd vaccine shot. before covid I had extreme health anxiety when it came to my heart. my symptoms have been a lil bit of chest pain lightheadedness and it feel like palpitations. I also experience muscle twitches in my arms and legs. The lightheadedness is new but everything I have experienced I have dealt with for about 3 years with anxiety and much worst. It just hard to differentiate should I take this serious or not. I always tend to calm down when my muscles twitch cause i know it’s just my nerves but it’s killing me. I went out to a wedding last night and had a couple of drinks and I felt perfectly fine the entire night but boom it’s back today
Anxiety ever since 2nd vaccine shot - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety ever since 2nd vaccine shot

Hi which shot did you have and how long ago? I ask because generally the after effects of the jab can be things like a headache, feeling tired, lethargic etc.
The fact you were fine at the wedding suggests two possibilities. A. The alcohol made you relax. You can easily test this (assuming it is indeed a couple of drinks). B. You were just more relaxed. What else gives you joy? Neither one suggests an actual physical issue though if you don’t agree (and that is fine, I won’t take it badly) you should tell your doctor. They are collecting any and all reports of anything out of the ordinary after a vaccine shot.
Yea that’s why I’m thinking it’s just my anxiety, with these symptoms I have I usually calm down when my legs twitch cuz I know it’s just anxiety playing games and not anything health related but I kinda just want to make sure I’m not wrong (been wrong for 3 years now tho)
Are you on any medication at all for the anxiety? some meds and alcohol don't mix.
Might be worth seeing a doctor about it.
Are you worried about possible side effects of the vaccine? Ask a pharmacist for advice, as the side effects and contra-indications are things a pharmacist will know even better than your doctor.
Cheers, Midori