Do people just repeat what the one eyed media tell them ! And anyone who thinks for themselves is miss guided or irrational. or think they dont do any research ! ive read many people say 20 mins research ! and they say this about most, so called different thinking people ! A lot of these people spend 100s of hours going through stats and documents ! While the so called rational people rely on the news and media, And why does all the media repeat the same message ! ? Im not talking about covid. but thats a good example.
What do you think: Do people just... - Anxiety and Depre...
What do you think

I agree Gerrard that at times they all sing from the same sheet.lndividual thinkers can certainly face scorn. I would think cancel culture has gone too far too.
Perhaps media outlets are afraid of legal consequenses if they dare express a view outside of the perceived norm.
I love research. I read research articles for my information. I don't read articles that have some big headline and then you get to the bottom and you realize it was all garbage.
Things other than medical I weigh both sides of a story. It's very hard to get solid facts anymore. You have to read the right sources.
yes and when you do your own research they think you just read conspiracy things ! ❤️🤗😇
I guess it depends on what we are talking about. For every article you find there is probably another one that discredits it. You can just look at the sources sited in a study and draw some conclusions. Having written many papers I know sources can only be so many years old. There are different types of research studies also.
There is a lot of " junk" out there.
This 'Cult' mentality is amazing to me... how does this happen?... Denial, economic strife, prejudice, ignorance, the feeling of being marginalized socially, needing to feel like they belong with a tribal mentality...needing to believe their own narrative of what they want to believe?... many reasons... basically stupidity is the new normal with these Covidiot 'Death Cultists'... the only ones really being hurt by this mentality are them because they don't believe the that's certainly their choice to risk their own lives... but what about those of us who don't want to be culled with the herd...there is no herd immunity with a virus that mutates faster than people can even get vaccinated if they wanted to...
This is going to go down in the history books as the second 'Dark Ages' of superstation, politics, haters, and ignorance that allowed so many deaths to try and prove they are right.. I say...follow the money... who is benefiting from all of this miss-information and freedom fearmongering? Remdesivir?... really?.. Who's pushing it and who's benefiting from owning stock in it. And how come it's okay to push Remdesivir which is NOT a vaccine, it just helps people with symptoms once they are sick, a temporary fix.
Agree.... the truth is there. People have died and will die. At least accept that as truth.
Accept that this was and is difficult for many workers in different occupations.
Accept that when you get very sick you will probably be heading to see a medical professional for help. The people some no longer trust.
So much going on. I'm just going to wear my mask and do what I feel is right
I think one thing I've noticed most this time around with this wave 3-4 depending on where you live, is that I am not hearing much about the medical staff which has been devistated and diminished from this virus as much as the rest of the population, there are fewer critical care workers and even fewer for children's critical care which is specialized as well. All the doctors, nurses, EMT's, respiratory, and hospital support staff, and healthcare workers are physically exhausted. Many still suffering from the first wave still, some dramatically emotionally distressed from the non-stop demanding care of these patients..."they are my heroes"... you Dolphin, sister, and many friends work in health care, and you are on the front lines fighting this... who better to say;
..."'s not a hoax"
😢...... powerful photo.
Thank you for recognizing the people in the medical profession. We will care for everyone that walks in that door. Our hope is many of those people will walk out with some quality of life.
Those empty shoes and the empty chairs at the dinner table. My heart breaks for what we have seen and who had been lost.
It is not a hoax, people have died, the virus is real ! but its has been used for control, and manipulation, people get lost in the effects of it, without thinking about the bigger picture of the changes and results of our freedom !
The problem with the people you mentioned is they tend to parrot their "facts" just like you are saying everyone else does with the media. They are seeking out information that confirms the biases they already have. Confirmation bias is a real issue especially when you get conspiracy theorists or the so called individual thinkers involved. For example the flat earth people. It's easy to prove them wrong in several different ways, you can use math, you can use measurements, you can use engineering, you can use video evidence, you can use simple logic. You can use gravity. You get the point but to them none of that matters because they have a belief that they want to confirm. They are not seeking the truth they are seeking justification. There is a difference. The same thing goes with anti vaxers. The whole movement started over an article that was written, which was false. It was redacted and the doctor who wrote it was widely discredited and shown to be wrong. Even despite that overwhelming evidence against their position, these people refuse to see the truth because they are trying to confirm their own bias. And when you point out facts they refuse to listen to you in anyway shape or form. This, just and FYI, is not in regards to the COVID vaccines, I am talking about anti vaxers before that. Now on to COVID the same rules apply. The issue is you and many others have opted to not trust medical professionals. So in order to get your information you go to places where other people parrot the same so called "facts" while none of you are medical professionals. If you wanted to actually go and learn about virology and literally be able to sequences the RNA structure of the virus itself and break down it's protein composition and structure and research how all that impacts the human body then sure we could hear your take. But the simple truth is you don't have that knowledge. None of us do. I don't either. So we have to look at peer reviewed studies and look at things as we learn them. No one is out here saying the virus is bad and deadly because it feels right. They are saying it because that is what all the peer reviewed data showcases. Like for example the death rates with COVID. When the pandemic first started there was so much doubt about the death rates because there was a lot of BS happening on both sides. But once the dust settled it became clear the death rates where actually higher than what was being reported. The information came out and you had the truth. It's just like with the delta variant now. We are not saying the young are dying at an increasing rate for fun and to have a good laugh. The media is reporting that because it's actually happening regardless of whether you want to believe it or not. I have seen you say that you believe it's all being overblown, COVID itself I mean, and you base that off of your own experience. Okay, but for every one person like you who isn't suffering, there is another who is. There have been many who have posted on here who have had relatives die of COVID or who themselves have struggled severely with the after effects. I myself had a friend on inhalers and doing PT for her lung issues after she had COVID. Your anecdotal evidence means nothing because I can throw the same amount back at you. The only issue is whether or not you would be willing to accept it. And for the most part you have chosen not to. So it comes down to what do you say when you have your own beliefs you want to support? This is why we usually wait for peer reviewed studies and reports before making claims. Now does the news over play things. Yes. Does the news have a bias, yes. Does the news have an agenda. Yes. Does that mean that everything they say is a lie? No. And just an FYI all news sources pretty much have a bias. It's incredibly rare that you find one that just reports facts. Both sides no matter what party you side with pushes their own narrative and their own wants and agenda. It's not just the "scary mainstream" that does it. The so called intellectual dark web does this too. Flat earthers do it. Anti vaxers do it. Again, it's unbelievably rare that you find one that isn't pushing their own biases. When it comes to things like diseases and other issues we need to actually look at the peer reviewed data. Talk to experts in the field and compile actual facts and numbers not just biased data on what we want to prove. That is the only way we can actually come to solid conclusions.
Now why do news outlets say the same things? Because sometimes facts are facts. Like what time a volcano erupted. Or if they are talking about a murder of course a person was murdered. Of course the story is going to be the same. In terms of COVID the sources are all going to be the same because the information is coming from the same place. And even when it's not it's widely agreed upon information. Such as masks do in fact, help stop disease from spreading. It's facts like those who have been vaccinated are not getting sick and dying anywhere close to the rate that those who are not vaccinated are. It's information we know to be true and so it is repeated. Like washing your hands helps stop the spread of illness. Yes, there are things that are colored by opinions. The right and left both do this there are no real exceptions. For example when a murder case is taking place, one side will say it means one thing and the other side will claim it means something else. That happens and that is opinion. Those opinions are based on personal preference at that point. But the fact that someone died is not. And that is mostly what needs to be looked at instead of talking points. Because yes we can say something like oh the media is trying to spin a story to mean this or that, again, both sides do this. But the facts will forever be the facts whether you like them or not. And finally we live in an age where it's pretty hard to lie about things without getting caught. Sure higher up stuff, and confidential information exists. But in terms of things like COVID and other issues like that. It's very hard to lie about them. Yes you can color them in a certain light. The riots in the US are an example of this. Both sides painted a narrative and the truth was more than likely somewhere in between. But what they didn't do is lie about the fact that riots happened. Do you see my point here? Yes we all need to see the information and make up our own minds. Sure. We need to look out for others biases and our own. But what we cannot do is claim that facts are not real just because we don't like them.

This thinking can be used both ways, if you change the way you look at things, they begin to change,
Not really. You can't think yourself out of peer reviewed research. Again, it is what it is no matter how you want it to be. Much like a cancer diagnosis you can pretend it away, you can live in a false reality, you can think otherwise all day long. At the end of the day you still have cancer. You can however, logic your way out of supposed facts on the internet because most of the things on the internet are not true. Again, there are reasons we have trusted sources. Anyone can start a .com site and claim they "know the truth". That means nothing.
As for changing your thoughts, sure you can look at things from a different perspective. That is healthy and actually really useful. However, we run into the same issue. Facts are facts regardless of how you feel. COVID for one is a deadly disease. You can want to feel otherwise. You an believe otherwise. You can do anything you would like to the opposite of that but you would still be wrong because we have the peer reviewed data. We have the facts. And no matter how much you want to feel like things should be different they are not. Facts are facts regardless of how you personally feel about them.

This story is true, A doctor had a x ray ! there was a black shadow on his lung, turned out to be cancer ! he died a few months after the diagnosis . His college was clearing out the Drs office and came across some old xrays one was of the deceased Drs lung 25 years previous, the black shadow was there ! so knowing about it killed him ! all is thought !
Knowing about it is not what killed him. You are conflating correlation with causation. Which is a fallacy. Also, what you just claimed is if you don't know you have an illness then you can't die from it. Which is not only wrong it's actually objectively harmful to everyone around you. And again, one story does not equate to peer reviewed research. All isn't thought. Yes a positive out look helps but being ignorant simply because you choose to doesn't help and only harms. For that one story you brought up I can bring up several where children died because their parents believed as you do. They could have gone to the doctor for treatment but instead they decided it's best to just believe in hope. So they let their own child die. Again, one thing doesn't mean proof of anything. Anomalies do happen. People can live a while with cancer if it's slow growing. Some die immediately after developing symptoms. That is just how cancer is. Again, belief does nothing to cure or help anyone. And you are actually endangering others by promoting that it does.

Tell me How a guru did this, he was given a large block of lsd, he took the lot in one go ! hours went bye but nothing happened ! how ! he was ok should have killed him.
what does that have to do with anything? You assume, one that this event actually happened and two, even if it did again, anomalies can happen. Smokers don't get cancer sometimes. That doesn't prove that smoking is harmless. Some people don't get altitude sickness but others could easily die from the change in pressure. Your point means nothing because you are claiming that one event means that is the way it works for everyone which is again just false and actually harmful.
If wishes were horses, beggars might ride. How many people have tried to concentrate their thoughts or their prayers, on an objective to no avail? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. To make such a blanket statement - "all is thought" - is contravened by all of human history.

Deadly I had covid in january and im still here !
The arrogance of this statement has just proved my point. Congratulations. You are one of the lucky ones. Would you like to talk to the hundred of thousands of people who have lost loved ones and say this to them. Would you like to talk to the millions of others suffering continued complications from having COVID? Just because you got lucky doesn't mean everyone else will or has. So what if you are okay. Look at all the people who have literally died around you? Look at hospitals being overwhelmed. Look at anything that isn't your own arrogance in this and yes it's deadly. Just a reminder that the Spanish Flu only had a death rate of 2% which was the same as the first variant of COVID, with the delta variant that number is a bit higher now. But look at the millions of lives lost to the Spanish Flu. You don't question that at all but because you didn't get severely messed up from it you disregard everyone else who has either died or is currently suffering.

You said it was deadly, now you should have said to some people it is ! your statement was incorrect, now you blame me for your mistake !
those words are not different. Saying a disease is deadly is the same as saying it's deadly to some. Deadly means increased risk not a guarantee you will die. I can say that drinking to much is deadly, or taking to many pills is. Does that mean it's a garment no. And besides that. What is even your point here? COVID won't kill everyone okay. It will kill a lot of people though. Like you are trying to change the language to downplay the seriousness of the illness. The variant you had was not as severe as the new variants popping up. The variants dominate in January were not effecting young people or children and now the new ones are. Just because you believe that some people are safe doesn't make a disease any less deadly. Your belief is irreverent to the facts.

You take things very serious. I think you need to love yourself, this could be the root of your problems, Ray.

WOW!!!!!... thank you, thank you for saying the truth, .... and no matter what anyone thinks... the numbers don't lie... Delta is devastating every state that has low vax rates... Is that just made up? ...
The sad thing is that the kids who are the innocents are now the new target vector, this bug wants to survive... I warned about this months ago...but again... I was told I was being an alarmist....I studied microbiology and epidemiology in college... I knew what we could be in for...but with so many heads buried in the sand, no one listened to those who knew.
Delta Plus and now Lambda...soon this thing will incubate and mutate again...we will either have the deadliest virus...or with any luck, as per the historical data of will start to wind down and burn itself out to a less virulent state.... But I think not for a while, there's too much fuel on the fire... how many bodies does it take to start taking this B.S. of denial out of the equation...
This 'Death Cult' of Covidiots is actually culling it's own herd with denial and ignorance... how stupid is that?
It's a serious topic. Again, COVID is a deadly disease. But again, you proved all my original points so I will no longer reply as there is no point. Your positions were challenged and instead of looking at the merit of my words you disregarded them, ignored valid counter points, and then attacked my character rather than actually hear or try to have a discussion. That was the central point of my original post about having your own beliefs and looking at facts to support your own belief rather than actually look at the information in front of you. I hope if anyone else reads this they see that this is exactly the problem I pointed towards and I also hope they see the danger in the words you have said. You can still be impacting by thing even if you ignore it. The example brought up earlier was cancer. Even if you don't want to acknowledge it you will still be effected by it. So please to anyone reading listen to your doctors and medical experts. They are the ones who truly will know best. Double check what you read on the internet. That is all I have left to say. I am leaving this now.

We have no problems we only think we have. stats in the uk they said 60000 died of covid in 2020. the stats from the government said the yearly deaths were normal no increase, dont fall for that one that people only get info from the internet !
60,000 deaths .... someone loved each of those people 😢
Yes I agree, but my point is we are not being told the truth .
We will all have our own opinions on this. It's one of those subjects that causes great debate. I have a couple friends that I had to take it off the table of discussion. We are on separate pages and it was getting too heated.
I'm thinking sometimes people don't realize that the " truth" is being learned daily. This is a virus we knew nothing about. Medical people were scrambling to learn how to treat this while dealing with a large volume of deaths. It's so easy to play " Monday morning quarterback"
I was able to sit in on a live virtual meeting of medical staff when NY had its big out break, I will never forget the look on one surgeons face. He said " this is bad" You could see pain and fear in his face. It was hard to listen to him describe what they were going through. I will never forget that.
I analyze data for a living. Data alone is not research. It needs context. I need to know how those numbers are being used in order to help a client. The same is true for any complicated topic such as covid. You need someone that has years on a particular subject to put in context. That is what journalists do. That is their job. They have been getting bashed for years now and I am tired of it. It is not that hard to tell good from bad.
I think the Darwin Awards is probably being deluged with new additions. Why is it that the majority of the people in hospital were not vaccinated?... hmmm?...
They seem to be the sickest bunch right now.
It's why the new 'click bait' has turned into 'Fake' politics surrounding peoples patriotic duty to maintain their freedom at all cost...So: 'The Culling of the Herd' continues. What I can't understand is that these people haven't figured out that the majority getting sick right now are them.
Yep... they have the freedom of choice all the way to the ventilator, but have taken away other's freedom of choice who are vaccinated and masking, and because this Delta Plus is so infectious, it comes into the home from the kids going back to school, and others who had to go shopping to get groceries. It's just really sad to me, especially for those that are getting 'break through' infections that tried to all the right things.
I just heard one of the states in the US has no more ICU beds. All unvaccinated people. Here we go again.
Yes, the break through infections are really sad. Some took off their masks but couldn't trust those around them that took them off unvaccinated. So much for the honor system,
Stay safe my friend.