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Severe Daily Anxiety

Jbrill03 profile image
25 Replies

Hi! I am currently having a very hard time with anxiety! I am a mother of 2 toddlers and life itself is becoming very hard for me as I am constantly overwhelmed with anxiety! My anxiety became severe about a month ago when I began having random panic attacks. The attacks were so scary that I went to the hospital five times with heart attack like symptoms. Luckily all tests came back normal and physically I am healthy—but I still unfortunately suffer from daily anxiety symptoms like chest pain or out of body feelings. I don’t want to take antidepressants and I am seeing a counselor weekly but I am struggling to complete daily tasks and feel like I’m slipping into depression! I am hoping that someone understands what I am feeling and can hopefully provide some helpful insight!

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Jbrill03 profile image
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25 Replies
Lonelyexile profile image

Hi Jbrill,

I’m new here too. I think therapy is a great place to start. If there is a chemical issue going on however, you may need some help there. Is there a reason you are hesitant about antidepressants? Some are very gentle on your system but can be powerful tools to help.

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Lonelyexile

Hi!Thank you for your response! I tried antidepressants for awhile and it only made my symptoms worse and caused insomnia no matter when I took it (day or night) My goal right now is trying to determine what’s causing it because unfortunately the physical symptoms/attacks happen so randomly!

Lonelyexile profile image
Lonelyexile in reply to Jbrill03

Hi JBrill!

Oof, that’s rough. Definitely work with your therapist and doctor to see if you can get to the underlying issues. Your doctor may have to run tests they don’t normally do and your therapist I think should be able to help identify some of those. Keep us posted here so we can support as able.

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Lonelyexile

Definitely been tough! I am hopeful though that between my doctor and therapist we can figure it out! Thank you so much for your input and thoughts!!

Hi have you heard of natural progesterone cream it isn't made from real hormones but is bio identical and is very calming you it online make sure it has progesterone usp in it , does your depression get worse in the run up to your period ? There are lots of other natural remedies that can help you - evening primrose oil capsules , flaxseed oil to name just a couple so you should definately find something to help you and you certainly need it looking after 2 toddlers

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to lillyofthevalley37

I have not hear of that but I will definitely look into it! I am very open to trying anything and all things natural! I appreciate your feedback!

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to Jbrill03

You're welcome

please look into progesterone is an excellent read

guynfl2chat profile image

Hello and welcome

I don't blame you about antidepressants. I have said before I don't have much luck with them. I have found that you have to really dog for your root cause of anxiety. Unfortunately once we have sensitivity to our nerves and body sensations we have to manage it..have you read Dr..Claire Weeks book about nerves? She explains that we are sensitive and must accept the sensations to truly manage them..the biggest mistake we make is trying to cure ourselves by thinking something is very wrong. Patience and relaxation are important. Don't rush your acceptance but accept. Don't be afraid of anxiety. It lives very well in fear.

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to guynfl2chat

Hello! Wow thank you for this! I haven’t read it but I definitely need to! Your comments have already help put me at ease as I feel that I’m so focused on trying to figure out the cause and not truly taking the time to understand and accept what is happening!

guynfl2chat profile image
guynfl2chat in reply to Jbrill03

Her book is on audible if you want to download. She talks about anxiety from a practical point of view. Let me know if you have a chance to read or listen to it.

Rafiki11 profile image

What happened in your life six weeks ago? Right before the panic attacks?

For example, I started feeling crippled by anxiety and depression when my son was 2 and my daughter was a baby. I grew up in a home with domestic violence and I was emotionally neglected from birth until 18 years.

My “inner child” was very angry that I was nurturing my own children in a way that she never was nurtured. I was teaching my son social-emotional skills. I was responding to my daughter’s cries with empathy.

I am sharing my own story in hopes that it will help jog your memory. 🥰

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Rafiki11

Hi! Thank you for sharing your own stories and I’m sorry you had to go through that! Honestly, nothing crazy or traumatic happened 6 weeks ago. I did take a trip to Vegas and starting experiencing the issues when I returned. The trip was fun and much needed but it was the first time I had ever been away from my kids so it was hard at the same time. I also was very anxious on the plane ride to and from which is new for me as I had never had issues flying before.

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to Jbrill03

Are you worried about your own mortality as a mother? Worried you’ll leave your children while they still need you?

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Rafiki11

I definitely think that’s some of it! I can admit I can be a perfectionist. And sometimes I am afraid that I will fail them.

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to Jbrill03

I definitely relate to that.

However, I’m learning that my kids don’t need me to be perfect. They need me to care about their emotions, set limits, and let them know I’ve felt similarly to them.

“I know you’re feeling annoyed with your sister but you can’t say mean things to her. I used to get annoyed at my little sister because she would mess up the game I was trying to play. Sometimes you just need to take a break in your room from your sister when you’re feeling annoyed before you say something mean. Let’s make a sign to put on your door when you need a break so she knows to leave you alone for a bit.”

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Rafiki11

That makes so much sense! I appreciate you sharing. I do need to realize I am not perfect and trying to be is only hurting me and those I love.

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to Jbrill03

Yes! Perfectionism an armor against getting hurt but it ends up hurting you instead of protecting you!

lolavee1 profile image

I am also a mother of 2 toddlers. I dealt with it for so long not getting out of bed not even wanting to feed my children do laundry. I had 2 times i went to the hospital thinking something was wrong but it was just an anxiety attack. One thing i found that helped was keeping my mind occupied and even when i felt no will to get out of bed i forced myself and once i got going i was fine. Make plans with your kids. Alot of my depression stemmed from my marriage and how he made me feel as a person and not having a life outside of mommy wife and work. Meds were not an option for me all i can suggest is go out and get away from the mom life, find a hobby, set a schedule and just take care of yourself. We get so consumed as mothers and we forget that we matter too and sometimes need to take a step back and remember we're bad bitches too.

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to lolavee1

Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely take the time to keep myself busy and to take care of myself!

Midori profile image

Having two toddlers is a job in itself!

Do you have a partner who can give emotional support , or are you on your own? It sounds as if you really need some emotional help, and that's what you family doctor should be doing.

I understand you don't want antidepressants, but for short term use they can be useful to put a cap on the panic attacks until you can get to the root of them.

Have you always had anxiety, or is it since the little ones came along?

The daily tasks you say are slipping, Is this housework, or do you have a job?

Do you have friends who comment on your housework and childrearing, or is it family? Does someone constantly belittle you? All these things need to be taken into consideration.

Hope this helps a little.,

Cheers, Midori

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Midori

Hi!Thank you for your response. I did have a partner but he recently left as he felt like I wasn’t doing enough to control my anxiety though I am in therapy and have tried medicine and numerous natural remedies. I told him it’s only been a month since I first started having the issue but I think it’s hard for others to understand how impacting anxiety can be on your life.

I am still working daily from home and able to keep up on housework though at times I don’t feel like doing much of anything.

Midori profile image

That was very unkind of your partner to leave when you need their help the most. I can understand being on your own with toddlers. I had to go solo as my husband committed suicide after being made redundant. Mine were 3and 1. They are grown up now, so I made it through.

You can too, just take it one day at a time. Get help from your doctor, As I said, short term antidepressants until you can get used to the being solo, and can get a handle on it, but don't try to rush getting better, it takes the time it takes.

Do you get a chance to meditate, or play soothing music? I have a radio on all day, set to a Classical music station. I like classical music.

Try a new interest if you can, an online course, maybe, or if you feel you can go for a walk to a park or similar.

Take the littluns out to a play park if you can, take some knitting or a book to keep yourself amused, but don't take your eyes off them for more than a minute. I'm sure kids are jet propelled as soon as You aren't watching! Maybe you might find another mother to chat with.

Cheers, Midori

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Midori

Ohhh my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for the kind words and positivity! I do take Ativan sometimes to sleep but have been able to sleep through the night for the past few nights without any help so I feel hopeful that with time this will pass!I am working to find a hobby and do meditate when I can. I also find joy taking the kids to the park or on a walk when I can!

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Jbrill03

Good, you are heading in the right direction. You will get there.

I have found that Covid has stolen nearly 18 months of my life and I'm really mad about it! It has made me gain weight, lose fitness, and almost lose my marbles! Talk about Stir-crazy!

Jbrill03 profile image
Jbrill03 in reply to Midori

Yes I feel the same! Darn Covid has made life itself very hard!

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