In my 30s and everyone thinks at that... - Anxiety and Depre...

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In my 30s and everyone thinks at that age you need to have your life together.

6 Replies

Does anyone else think this? Is there anyone else on here in there 30s+ still figuring their self out and life?

I feel so down at times when I think I have no job (want to work with children with learning difficulties). I used to have a really successful career but realised it was doing more harm to my mental health. I used to have my own place but I live with my parents. Sometimes I have really positive days and push myself to do more things, have lots of hope but today is not one. My self doubt and lack of trust in myself holds me back so much, I am working on this with a therapist though.

I constantly question myself “will I be good at working with children?” “ am I out of my depth?” “Will make too many mistakes?” “Would the people and children like me?” “Would I actually be able to cope?”

Too many doubting thoughts 🥴

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6 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Hedge-hug as long as you allow those doubts to be in the forefront of any decisionsyou might want to make, you will continue to stay stuck, spinning your wheels and getting no where Continue working on these issues with your therapist. It will help put you on the right path to take that first step. good luck :) xx

Chase888 profile image

It sounds like you are stressing too much and many many adult people older than you live with their parents.

The other side of the coin is some people leave home at 18 and what they don't tell anyone is that their parents give them regular cash payments.

Point being there is nothing to worry about as we all need help at different times of our life.

I agree with Agora's answer also.

charlie5114 profile image

I'm in my 40s. On the outside it looks like I have my life together, but on the inside I feel like a mess. Sounds like you have accomplished a lot so far, I'm sure you have helped every kid you have interacted with.

I've learned that it's never too late to do anything. I'm 50 years old and just started online college this past January (talk about a non-traditional student!) I had the same fears/anxiety/questions that you're having and with the help of a therapist and positive self-talk, I applied, got accepted, and earned a 4.0 at the end of the Spring semester. Did I make mistakes? Absolutely. Was I perfect? Not at all. But through that experience, I turned my mistakes into learning opportunities. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks (easier said that done, I know). 'Everyone' isn't you.

catch_the_music profile image

In everything new I try - I do some things right and I do some things wrong. I tell myself - it's ok to be a Rookie. It's actually part of the fun - learning to do things better each day. I taught kids in Sunday school. Some kids liked how I taught - others did not. I did the best I could. I prayed for wisdom on how to reach the kids. Eventually - after learning from mistakes - I started looking like I knew what I was doing. You can be good with kids too! Start by shadowing another teacher. Then just relax and enjoy connecting with the kids. After awhile - you will feel much more at ease. Pray for wisdom on this. God Bless!

Blueruth profile image

I’m 20 years overdue then! I finished college in my 30s with no real career in mind so you are doing better than I was. Then I got into a career and dot com hit wiping that possibility away. I did find a career after two years of temp jobs and another school loan but it changed many times since. Now I’m looking at the reality of another living , should I need to, (I have a good job but I know better) in my 50s. The likelihood I can just jump into another job or change my career in my 50s is low. Don’t take this personally but millennials and boomers suck the air out of gen x with their numbers alone. So here I am again trying to figure out my next move. I honestly don’t think you ever figure your life out is my point. Take this time with little rent as a time to prepare in other ways. You are actually quite lucky in this regard. If you can get a temp job take it and put $20 of each paycheck into a retirement account. You’ll thank me in 20 years.

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