Hated by everyone! : Monday started off... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Hated by everyone!

lovedogs51511 profile image
56 Replies

Monday started off fine meeting my new client cause I do caregiving. Then tuesday thru miserable friday was so way beyond hell on earth. Her bitch daughter was there the whole time. All she did was complain that I said things wrong, I put my purse on the bitches trunk to get her mom in the car safely. But oh no that was going to get her mother robbed and murdered. By friday I wanted to destroy her she was downright conceited, egotistical and just a raging nagging bitch who yelled constantly jumping down my throat. Sorry for my language but she was nothing but impossible to deal with. Now monday will be a worse daughter. I called my agency and told them I dont deserve to be belittled talk down to in such a rude way. All he said it was probably a small misunderstanding and I'm like oh even better I have absolutely no rights and I'm just supposed to sit there and take constant shit from these bitches. Today theres no gas at the station then go to Walmart to pick up seizure meds and it was beyond wrong after telling the dr a zillion times and I'm serious I said it over and over a zillion times. My life has been full of nonstop bullying being called stupid, ugly, fat and everything else under the sun. All I've ever been is nice to ppl. Never have yet stood up for my stupid self. Family never calls and could give a rat's ass if I'm alive or dead. This is the lowest paying job on the planet but I dont have any basic skills. I'm I guess that stupid. Sorry about the rant. I'm so wanting to die cause I'm constantly bullied, hated by family, hated by all ppl and I'm beyond sick and tired of it. Never married no kids no friends. Nobody could live my hell. Anybody else would of committed suicide. At a clients house now and I have loud tics from tourette's so always humiliated by ppl for suffering a health pproblems.I'm goingbto hit myself in the head with a hammer till I'm unconscious.

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lovedogs51511 profile image
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56 Replies
Clynn34 profile image

Hey, I'm so sorry that your going through this. That sounds terrible the way the daughter has spoken to you.I just want to encourage you and say you are not stupid, we all have our own "thing" that we are dealing with and you do have a purpose. Did I read correctly that you said you have tourette's? Are you getting any support there?

You can contact Tourette Association of America to find local help and Support. And there is the crisis line you can text @ 741741 If you need to chat or speak with someone.

I am definitely praying for you and hope you situation changes for the better.

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to Clynn34

What is a Tourette ?

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

It's either continually doing repeated jerk movements , shouting swear words out loud. I have vocal tics like I do a loud humming sound and clear throat constantly all day long. You cannot stop them for even a second. Some bark etc. Its the most humiliating thing ever. Plus I have 8 other health problems and not one person to talk too.

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to lovedogs51511

I deal with something like that too. I deal with having sudden movements. And that’s the only thing my therapist didn’t give no your advice on. He told me to just relax.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

That figures I cant stand drs. When you need help some are so heartless like my neurologist is so worthless. Hes more than a prick, dick asshole!!! After telling them literally millions of times what dose I need they f...d it up again when I went to pharmacy right after trying to fill up with gas but they didn't have a drop!!!

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

Tourette’s is a neurological condition that causes sounds and movements that people can’t control that are called tics .

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to Hb2003

Oh. I heard of that before. I think it’s when you just have outbursts everywhere you at.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

Not all the time

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to Hb2003

Oh. I thought it was because a boy in my jr.high school had that illness

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

He probably had Coprolalia

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to Hb2003

Oh. I never heard of that outburst-illness.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

it’s neurological and that person can’t really control it and even if the person tried it would make things worse

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to Hb2003


lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Clynn34

Thank you! I just feel everyone deserves respect but I had to sit there and take getting yelled at by that b...h!! I so wanted to rip her a new one. I even called agency and got no help from them either. They just said it was just a misunderstanding!!! I have no rights, so underpaid but I have no skills for anything. I feel like ppl love to torture me! No one give a s..t I'm even on the damn planet. Then to have to swallow down my rage and take nothing but more shit.I do suffer tourette's syndrome and 7 other medical problems which make me wish for death everyday. This whole week i couldnt stop them so i was already humiliated and so with the tics being severe i just cant do this anymore!!!! Even with working i still cant make monthly bills and that's including my 925 for disability!!! I have nothing to even live for.

Iammesues profile image

Have you tried to not react to this horrible person? Sometimes when they can’t get a rise from you they feel defeated and stop. Some families are worthless. Just because you were born in that family does not mean they are on your level. Sorry to say but seems you are too intelligent for them. Too smart and too much ambition. You have a job and are moving forward. How’d you learn to persevere through family trying to hold you back? I admire you

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Iammesues

Iammesues, I too have always admired lovedogs. We go back a long time on the forum

and I've always been in amazement in how she kicks the road blocks aside and keeps going

forward. :) xx

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Agora1

Yes she seems to know right from wrong but encounters others who don’t. Family means people who care not people related by blood

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Agora1

Agora1 thank you for your kind words!!! Everybody on here has made my day be brighter until monday comes I'll lose it all over again sadly.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Agora1

Thank you kindly Agora1

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Iammesues

Thank you kindly!!! I can't push thru anymore. I have constant suicidal thoughts since age 5. It's gotten so excruciating to still be constantly s..t on by everyone. I've had it. I didnt let her get to me. I cant rip her head off cause I'd get fired but omg I so wanted to scream at that b...h!!! My mom rarely calls but shuts me down after one minute. It's like ok hated by her too and the rest of my s..t family. I'm never worth a s..t. shell talk to everyone else for 30 or more minutes but I'm the only one with 9 health problems so I'm a pos cause of it!!!! I was so defeated so while sitting in my car at another clients home all I could do is scream at the top of my lungs repeatedly saying f..k over and over. This is how all ppl have treated me as if I dont f.....g deserve to be here at all. I was put here to only take shit by ppl.

Agora1 profile image

Hi dear one, it sounds like one of those days, one of those lives. Sadly it happens.

Never allow others derogatory opinions of you drag you down. You have nothing to

prove to them. It's your life, it's what you've been given. Our job is to make the

best of what we can. For that you can be proud of yourself. Hugs :) xx

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Agora1

Thank you Agora1! Life has given me only hardships never a moment of peace. I'm always bullied by ppl and after 48 years of it I dont care to live to have to continue to only live in pain, suffering and humiliation. I cant even find one reason to go on if all I get is continually receive pain.

Jeff1943 profile image

Stop punishing yourself, you have done NOTHING WRONG. You work helping others and deserve some basic respect. It may not be your best choice of job but all work is noble, specially if you work helping others.

From now on when people start disrespecting you then tell them firmly their language is not acceptable. Tell them you expect to be treated with the respect that everybody has a right to expect. All human beings deserve respect and you are no exception. Please remember I am trying to help your mother.

Say it quietly but firmly. And if someone doesn't get the message first time, repeat your demand for respect each time.

You do not deserve to be treated in the way that you have. It's time to respect yourself more and to expect others to show their respect for you.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Jeff1943

I believe that everyone should be respected and I'm always so nice but only get s..t from ppl. I have tried to say that to my mom but she throws a temper tantrum or just hangs up on me. I think shes been a gaslighter. Its a type of emotional abuse. I've never gotten respect from anyone. I cannot go on getting s..t by everyone and to suffer 9 health problems destroying me daily. Then not having one f....g person to talk to. I thank you for your kindness. Everyone on here has made my day!!!

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image

No!!! Please don’t do that. You seem like a very strong human being internally. I go through SAD and I have family members who hate me too. I don’t feel no love around most of them. But I’m not suicidal at all. I don’t have a husband not kids either. My first love got another person and treated me like a doormat when ever he walked me back. It’s not even worth killing towels over. I’m getting a stress ball. I think you should get something that relieves your stress when your feeling this anxious.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

So sorry your going thru same things. It's so damn painful to get no respect after giving it my whole life! I live in constant pain, humiliation and a lot of rage!!! I'm beyond done being nice to anyone!! I love everybody on here! You all have made my day. Family never call nothing. If and when my mom pretends to care she can't even talk to me for over a minute. It's all fake. She does nothing but lie. Shes never told the truth to me ever. I'm not strong enough to go on. I'd rather just die to end nothing but pain.

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to lovedogs51511

Well, we almost living the same, emotionally. The only difference is me and my mother get along much better than that and we love each other. So, are you going to kill towels yourself or are you going to find some type of treatment ? Because you claim you are working right now and can you take some days off? I’m just asking to give you some advice.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Yuuupsongbook002

They need me 6 days a week. I'll be calling them monday and getting a different client. I'm so full of rage all week and I will not put up with this bullshit abuse. At least you have a mother with a heart. Mines coldhearted. Like I said hated by everyone. No one on earth could live nothing but shit in life. I'm getting treated for severe anxiety causing agoraphobia, panic disorder, epilepsy, tourettes theres nothing that works, bipolar 2, untreatable depression, constant suicidal thoughts, and hyperhidrosis. Plus taking nothing but abuse from all ppl I've f.....g had it!!!!

Yuuupsongbook002 profile image
Yuuupsongbook002 in reply to lovedogs51511

Your the first person I know that’s going through more than I’m going through. I mean more than I’ve ever been through. I hope that’s not you in your profile pic because it’s against the rules to put a pic of yourself as your profile pic. I’m just trying to warn you. But that’s not good at all.

susanjo613 profile image

Be kind to yourself. I know exactly how you feel because I’m a personal care aide too. You DON’t deserve to be abused by your clients and their families. Your agency is WRONG to make you back there. There are so many people who aren’t being served....they should give you a different client. I have had to get different clients because of abuse. You are worth more than you think. I was born with a rare eye condition and my eyelid moves up and down when I talk and chew and my eyelid is either too low or too high at rest. I’m looked at everywhere I go and I’m totally self conscious. I also try to be nice to everyone but the reality is a lot of people suck. You are also stronger than you think. You need to take care of YOU first. I would call your agency and tell them it’s just not a good fit for you and you are being belittled by the family.....period. Let me know how it goes.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to susanjo613

I did the exact same thing I called agency on friday and said I was getting yelled at for everything and constantly belittled but all they said was that it was a misunderstanding. Can you believe that s..t? That's great your a caregiver too. I thank you for your kindness!!! I'm so sorry you deal with being stared at for something you have no control over like me. I hate ppl but love everyone on here!!! Agency said to call on Wednesday to let them know how it's going. I already know itll be hell. I'll be lucky to make it that long. The next daughter arrived today to take care of her mom. I just adore the client!!! Shes amazing. She even comforted me by putting her hand on mine and said everything is ok. I'd hate to lose her but if I get more abuse from this daughter I've got to quit. Sucks cause shes only a mile from my apt. I'll be devastated. Yesterdays client was real nice to me. No one she said has exercised her legs as she is bed 24 7. So we did a lot of movements and massaged her legs and her back. She asked when was I leaving and I told her and said I'm sorry. She said no I want you to stay!!! Made my day!

susanjo613 profile image
susanjo613 in reply to lovedogs51511

Oh.....that DOES suck that she is so close and you get along with her. Glad you had a great day with your client yesterday too. I’m also on disability and even though I’m working I’m just getting by. It sucks. But I try to tell myself that I have a job, I’m (hopefully) making a difference and I have food and a roof over my head.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to susanjo613

Yes this life sucks. Too be hated by everyone is so painful I'd rather die!!! Yes yesterday was good after screaming at the top of my lungs I was so in a horrible rage and then go take care of her was beyond hard. Thankfully she was in a good mood yesterday. I wish I could make a difference but feel so stupid that I have never done anything right. I'll see how monday goes and if I get nothing but f....g yelled at for 4 hrs I'll clock out and I think go straight to agency and demand to take on a different client. I hate to quit eunice as shes so wonderful but I will not stand these bitch daughters who are absolutely worthless ppl if you can even call them human.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to lovedogs51511

New client seems nice. Follow the kindness road. Please cease contact with your family for now. I know that’s really hard but your heart and mind deserve to rest. Sometimes family is so jealous they loose their minds. Got to work, go home, relax, breath, and be proud of yourself. Your family needs to be cut off from the opportunity to hurt you

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Iammesues

My family will buy anything for me cause I'm homeless poor. They use money as it's so important in my family. They have money cause they dont suffer 9 health problems. Their all healthy so I feel punished by god to have to deal with high stress all alone. Never married, no kids and I really dont know anyone. So I'm truly alone suffering this crap.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to lovedogs51511

You live with them?

Dubba61 profile image

Oh! Yes, those Daughters, I remember them well! Don't want to look after Mum themselves, not capable of it, but critisize anyone else doing the job. It's her guilt, not your incommpitance that annoys her. So don't take it on board. Caring is always, so underpaid and yet not easy. So you carry on being a nice person, even when others aren't. And please, do not hit yourself over the head.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Dubba61

Exactly. But the whole week she actually did all the work. I thought then why keep yelling at me. Wouldn't let me do a thing so I just sat with my awesome client and we just talked and got along really good. But the bitch daughter wouldn't get off my ass!!! I was so damn close to hitting her or rip her head off!!! Yes this job sucks for sure. I do love the elderly and this is only job I've had so I have no skills to do anything else whatsoever. Even with 925 in disability plus working I still cannot make monthly bills.

Dubba61 profile image
Dubba61 in reply to lovedogs51511

It is difficult to manage. I used to do it too, when my Children were young and it's very hard to manage those Bills. (UK)good luck with it all. 👍

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Dubba61

Thank you!

Broken1971 profile image

Oh that stinks. I'm glad you vented. I hope that helped. You don't deserve that treatment. I don't know how to handle those situations well myself, but kudos for biting your lip. If you confront her about her attitude just make sure you prepare what to say before you do. You don't want to just blow up at this lady, trust me, I'vedone that. Stay positive and good luck!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Broken1971

I apologize for saying bad words but I so needed to vent and so appreciate everyone on here! No I keep taking their shit and apologized for stuff I didnt do. I had to so swallow my rage for this bitch!! I was so full of rage I'll I wanted to do is beat her ass up then rip her a new one!!!

Broken1971 profile image
Broken1971 in reply to lovedogs51511

I get this and I've been there way too many times....don't apologize for your language, I curse like a sailor.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Broken1971

Lol I was actually holding back. I'm beyond bad I say f..k every other word cause life sucks that bad.

Hb2003 profile image

Aww I’m so sorry about what your going through I understand how angry you are I have been there myself. it’s so hard and difficult to deal with a lot of health conditions. I wish that people were more understanding and not judgmental . I want to give you a huge hug 🫂 because I care about you we all care about you what other people say about you that is mean and horrible is BC . Tourette’s can be humiliating and embarrassing but you know what your a amazing kind person my friend has Tourette’s . Don’t let your disability’s and conditions define who you are because it’s not who you are as a whole you’re more than that you have positive attributes and make people smile like me ❤️ We love you

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Hb2003

Omg you so sweet and thank you so much!!!! I actually do need a hug so thank you for that too!!! Yes tourette's is more than humiliating!!! It tires me out all day doing them over and over etc. Sorry your friend has it too. It's the worst!!! Thank you for putting a big smile on my face

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to lovedogs51511

Your welcome ❤️ . it is the worse he has a mild case of it he sometimes is a harm to himself. it’s so hard to control it suppressing the tics just makes it worse . Lots of kindness and support

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Hb2003

Thank you! I completely feel for him. It's so tiring to do tics over and over just in one day. Mine like his are daily. I wish there was a magic wand to stop them for all the sufferers! Kindness and support to you as well💜

Iammesues profile image

One’s heart can only take so much abuse. Please be careful. We are on your side

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Iammesues

Thank you so much. Ppl on here are like a family always have been!! I feel blessed to have found such a wonderful site!

Lymeforyears profile image

Oh have I been there my Freind!!! One situation I had already been with the agency for five years on 24’s so when I told them they took me off.

But!!!!! I had a job on my own where I absolutely adored the senior I took care of. I cleaned for him , we sang all the time and played catch and did a lot of physical therapy and we made so much progress. Unfortunately his daughter was horrible to me and called me ugly and big nose. I had to leave. I was making a lot of money and I just wish i could have stayed. I pray things get better. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Lymeforyears

You must be a nurse and not caregiver cause I barely make any money. Cant even pay bills every month. Wish I had that life making a lot of money. I only get 10.75 an hour which is such bullshit!!!!! Sad you had to lose your client all cause of the family members being assholes!!!!

Dear Cinderella-

Since u are very bright ............and estute......u can fill in the rest of the blanks from here..............Alll the good fairies here know what u are going through and regret very very much life with the mean B ch family. etc.................all the birds and good fairies care about u genuinely here...........and u help people like me vent as I got nailed for oppeinuing my mouth 30 years ago and still has effects sooo u venting shows its safe............helping old hound dogs like me that don't care for DRs kicking us around......like everyone.....do very much feel for u............still searching for the key to the fort knox vaults......will share if I find them.....

life is so cruel to hard working people v others with billions and biiioons for nothing

in reply to

oh forgot cinderella.....beiing hated by that family is hard but long term ....a complement...........sorry not more helpful......i share your loathing of mean people

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to

My mom buys everything for me but lately shes stayed on the phone with me to hear about my day. So not sure with her getting older maybe shes getting more caring a little bit better than it has been for years. Money is important in my family and I'm below poverty level. I've always been treated less than. Due to so many medical problems keeping me in the poor house. I'm lucky right now to have a 21 year old car actually bought by my stepdad. See theyll buy anything but it's the shallow emotional part that gets to me. I'm battling 9 health problems and I have to do it all alone and I mean alone! Never married no kids no friends. So I dont know one person. So life is tremendously difficult! Yes i loathe downright mean ppl. I've always given the upmost respect to all ppl just to get shit on. Ugh

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to

I agree I work six days a week but only 23 hrs a week but bust my ass to only make around 230 dollars a week. I'm a caregiver and its emotionally tiring. Like you said hard working ppl versus the billionaires making so much money for doing nothing. I can only work about that many hours cause I'm on disability. So I'm truly poor as all hell. Car insurance here in Las Vegas costs me 125 monthly so that's just one bill that is way to high but it's the best quote I got. Car insurance here is the worst and highest in the usa. Its beyond tough. All I can do is keep pushing thru everyday!

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