I deleted my post yesterday about my spouse's decision to leave me after 3 years of living with me. When she moved in she knew I had serious health disabilities and she knew the situation was never going to be easy on the pair of us by her having her own health issues either. listening to quite a few responses I took it upon myself to talk to her face to face calmly giving respect and understanding and told her how important she was to me as a companion but a true friendship also had blossomed between us over this time. I expressed to her in tears how mum must have felt with me looking after her in the latter stages of her life also feeling so vulnerable knowing she had to place every bit of trust in me to take care of her needs. both mum and dad were very proud of me knowing I had given them both peace of mind and allowed them both dignity to die knowing they were in very safe hands. I have no one to turn towards, no friends nor family network and my partner knew this. Taking the advice you gave me I sat down with her and laid my heart on the line. told her not only we had become good friends but we but great companions despite their being nothing sexual for a long time now due to her menopausal state and health issues.
She told me she had already pre-arranged a man with a van to pick her up next weekend and move her things out, now as I told many of you she has not got anything here, a couple of draws of clothes and half a wardrobe and boxes of well-packed things in the loft and that is basically it for her. I burst out crying saying why wait until then putting me through hell and torment for another week, why not just remove yourself now and stop putting me and my 2 dogs through this pain and rejection so she has now texted her daughter to come and pick her up and she is leaving today.
I honestly can't tell how I feel, I spoke to her in the room asking her for one last cuddle and we both cried. she told me she has given up far too many things in her life to move here, like going to the opera, the cinema, various trips out with her daughter and mum. She told me this is her biggest regret. you can see it in her that in many ways her going back home is a monumental relief for her even though we have come this far, living and surviving through covid she feels it has come to a head and she can no longer ignore the fact she has been miserable for too long.
As I cried and told her the frightening position it has left me in trying to cope and build a solo life back again and taking full charge of my circumstances is a daunting one. There will be benefits to correct, council tax and sever all her parts of living allowances to consider. she has assured me there will be no malice and she will do her part to recorrect all that needs to but this you understand relies on faith and trust after she is gone.
I am hurt beyond words and wished her all the very best, told her I was glad to have bumped into her and thanked her for being part of my life and then we cried and cuddled.
her daughter is well on the way now and I am in the bedroom staying out of her way while she is on the mobile ringing around as I can't stand to see or hear her do this, it feels like she is mortally wounding me by talking to these people. I have said to her, her things will be safe here and of course, at a better, more appropriate time to come with a van and collect the rest of her belongings all at 1 go with as little fuss as possible.
She is also taking her cat Tabby, with who I have built up a relationship with and that hurts like hell also as she has never considered the sheer upset for the animals re-rooting to another location. it's sheer madness. someone said you have to learn to love yourself first before others, let me just say even as a little child I wanted to be like someone else, I have never loved myself that much and never will so please do not message me saying to do this as it just feels like another go at me and a stab in the back, it does not help me or the situation.