I've tried sitting with my emotions today, or more so a few, trying to get an insight of how i'm feeling inside. Am i happy, sad, lonely, angry, any sort of emotion. And i just don't know what i'm feeling today.
What to do, when you don't quite know... - Anxiety and Depre...
What to do, when you don't quite know how your feeling?

Maybe you’re feeling numb?
It's ok to not know and to be uncertain. ThT is a normal reaction when things are going on or something is triggered. There is what is called a feeling wheel with alot of feelings and emotions listed.
Mindfulness is being aware and using grounding techniques so you are aware that some things your not sure how to feel.
Be patient with yourself and describe what you can. This is a journey of progress not perfection.
Listening and connecting to music may help with your emotions and to connect by stimulating the brain and expression and communication.
Healing is a whole body experience with different levels of approach and or intensity.
Thank you for taking your time to reply to me. You do have a very interesting concept and normally i would say so much more then this, but i can't seem put it into words. But please know, your response is really appreciated and that i will look back at this when my mind is capable and reply more in depth with what you've written here. Thanks again, Gentlespirit!
At least you are appreciating what has been said.
Connect with the Earth. MWith the spirit of living creatures and systems around you.
Mawudzinjua. Manye.
Be with the spirit of growing organisms around you. The m.f.s and what the species and subspecies can do.
On a down to eath note, trust your instincts. There is a reason why our mind emotions body does what it does even if its not clear why or how. You can do what you will or are able too. Be understanding and gentle with yourself. Becoming ruthless may be a demise like branches of c that grow or sp.
That sounds like me

I'm sorry you too, have felt this way. Sometimes i find dealing with emotions to be difficult as does anyone, but i'm all to aware that normally when i start to feel like this, it because i'm thinking about too much, try to juggle too many emotions and feelings in my mind and so it can lead to feelings of numbness as a safeguard lets say. Its not the healthiest of things to do.
Writing or music helps ground me, makes me feel abit more calmer rather then what i've mentioned above. I hope you could find something that will help also.
I hope you are okay, i hope you are keeping well
But also remember that you'll wont feel like this forever, it will pass and you will feel better. Please take care of yourself as you are important too and better days are ahead!
I think i feel numb too. A week on venloflaxin and it has stopped the crying. But i dont feel any better just numbed things. Which if anything is worse because i already felt outside of things. Lots every interest, motivation and now numbness 😔
I'm sorry you felt this way, i know it can be a lonely and frustrating place when the numbness takes over.
I'm also taking antidepressants and you'd been on them a week at this point. The thing about taking them (i have found) is that its take a while (a couple of weeks) for your body and brain to get use to the chemical changes and adjustments.
In my personal experiences, i felt worse when i first started taking the medication. So if you felt this way, then you are not alone
Have they been helpful or have you notice any changes so far?
I also just wanted to say give yourself a little prasie for raising concerns with your doctor and being put on this medication, it means that you are trying your best to help yourself the best you can. But also it can take a long while for finding the right medication for you.
These feelings will come and go, it doesn't last forever,
I hope you are feeling better now, I hope you are feeling more yourself
You've got this and you will get through this!
Thank you so much for your replyIve now been on them 3 weeks. I dont feel numb now. Its stopped the intense feelings of sadness that would have me in constant tears.
So i suppose they are helping, i still have no motivation or interest in anything.
Dr is ringing me next week with a view to raise the dose. Obviously i dont want to, maybe if i carry on as i am some interest will return?
Thank you and i hope you are well.
You're more than welcome! I'm glad the numbness faded and the feelings are less intense and that they have helped you! If you feel you don't want it to be rasied then maybe share this concern with the Doctor? - They may feel like its medically in your best interest to up the dosage or lower it - depending on how you are responding to the medication or how your feeling in general.
Sometimes it really does take time to get back the interest into things, and i believe that with some time, healing a little work it comes back. maybe try something different that you've not done before, or say if you had interest in art or reading or whatever it may of been then do little bits of those things in the week or day without pressuring yourself to get back to what you once enjoyed (it might make you feel worse for not having fully enjoyment or motivation in doing so).
I hope this helps and i hope you had a great day today!
I'm taking one day at a time and getting through! But i wanted to say thank you for your reply, it reminded me that i wasn't so alone and that i've helped you in some way, and that honestly feels me with happiness
Thank you, at the moment i have gone away by myself for a few days. 2 days in feeling calmer and generally better. Sleeping better. Trying to stop worrying about going back. Sometimes i think the problem is not so much with us but other people causing it and your surroundings. Hope you feel better asap. Too have interest in anything would be good.So strange when all your life ypu had so much motivation and now have none. No wonder its scary. X
Sometimes it can be like a breath of fresh air having that few days break from everyone and technology i find . I'm glad you felt calmer and better in yourself and in sleep
As for "Sometimes i think the problem is not so much with us but other people causing it and your surroundings" - you don't know just how much i can relate to this on a personal level, this is still a challenge for me but we will slowly get through this!
It can be scary, i just hope you feel less alone with us exchanging comments, views and feelings I hope you doing okay! Stay strong 🧡