feeling very depressed, suicidal, and hurt... I can't do any of this
I don't know what to do : feeling very... - Anxiety and Depre...
I don't know what to do

Hey what’s up my friend? I’m listening
please do find help! not necessarily from a therapist, if you dont feel comfortable doing that, just tell a friend, it will make you feel better, suicide is never an option! its just running away, stay strong<3
I am sorry your feeling this despair...and a lot of us here understand this. Have you seen a therapist for a diagnosis and also to get help with the feelings your going through. It's really important if your experiencing this depth of despair .... suicide is not a solution for a moment in your life where you are stuck for finding a solution out of this. It's a cry for help and I am glad your sharing about it....please hang in there and get professional help as we are only others who understand, but this is a serious issue you should seek immediate help with.
yes. sometimes I feel very very low and feel as if no one understands. thank you for understanding. I know I am going to be okay. I have had not seen a counselor since 2013 and have been off my meds since 2014... it is taking a huge toll on me and I feel horrible for abandoned my mental health but I have no money for it. none. I have no insurance.
I'm going to post this one website that I found had a lot of resources on it....I don't know if any of them could help you find affordable if not funded therapy and care it would be worth a shot looking into this....I've heard others say they have gotten help...it is a site with resources that have stemmed from a documentary about needing help with suicidal thoughts....
Yes, my friend, you can! I understand how wanting to take your own life feels and it’s horrible! What’s going on that has you feeling this way? I would like to help, if I can.

I've had severe panic attacks within hours last night.... I hated myself. I hated dealing with it. something in me was triggered... all I could think about it that time was that. I am sorry and I don't mean to scare anyone. I am reaching out.
Yes, how can we help?

thank you so much for helping
Are you still feeling suicidal?
You almost sound like you may need emergency help at the hospital. What do you think?

I am feeling better now. but first, I don't have the money for the medical bills or medicine, secondly, the doctors at these mental hospitals care nothing for you... they have no sympathy. they see you as this human with problems and they're just there to make a paycheck not help you. I've been in plenty of hospitals and I'm sorry but it's BS. I will not go back. I will not spend my money to get help and pay them for not helping and just treating us like a lost cause.
I understand where you’re coming from as I’ve visited the hospital my fair share too. It’s hard for me to explain how to make the health care system work for you and I don’t always succeed! I know how frustrating it really is. Your anxiety is real and sounds horrific! Do you have anything to take for it? I do spend money on a Psychiatrist because I need my sanity for everything I do. Luckily, I’ll be getting health insurance next month which we haven’t had in a couple of years. I spend money on a GP because I have diabetes, hypertension and so on. Getting help for your severe anxiety sounds like a winner!
I know what it's like to feel this way. Are you able to take your mind to a happy place or time? We all have to fight the good fight for ourselves. If I can help you in any way please let me know? I'm here for you wishing you peace of mind. Love, light, joy & hugs!!!

thank you for your words. it really does mean the world. I was finally able to sleep... I think it's what I needed. that's why I haven't answered anyone yet. I'm still getting to it. I'm sorry.
I have really really bad trouble sleeping. it's ridiculously annoying.
My pleasure , don't forget I'm here for you, okay? Here's hoping for great sleep for you! Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!
Why?we all take things for granted.. heck I took alot of things for granted.
How old are you ? What is it that you cannot handle anymore?
Do you have a roof on top of your head? You got food to eat on your table. Yes you wake up with anxiety. Anxiety sleeps with you. But you could always wake up with dreams and that should never be underestimated.
Call someone you love now .
Wish you well
I'm sorry but sometimes it doesn't matter if you have the biggest house, the fanciest car, or the best food on your table.... when you don't have family, love, understanding and the right support things can feel very wrong. also having to deal with all your stuff ALONE is very hard.. having no support at all. I am grateful for what I have but at my lowest points none of it Dawn's on me. in the middle of a severe panic attacks where my lips are blue, my eyes are blood shot and my body is shaking am I thinking about what I have... I'm thinking about how I can make this stop....
thank you for your words and I wish it were that easy.
Your health matters..no doubt on that. Don't feel people don't love you . My heart tells.me that someone out there does.
Screw whoever doesn't comprehend you .
I am not denying what you are feeling . I have anxiety myself and I know what it is like. Yes we all expierence it in a different way.
My statement was just to try to make you feel you are more worth than wanting to be suicidal.
Wish you well dear
Good day brother! I sure hope she feels better. I'm groovin, how about you? Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!
This makes me sad, you must get better real fast. I love you! Peace, light, joy & hugs!!!
Oh no! I’m off this weekend! Going to our daughter’s new house to watch the Alabama vs Texas A&M game! Roll Tide Roll!! Our bad weather is long gone! Sunny and 88 degrees today!
No you aren't ruining my vibe, I just feel for you! The Brown's won last night! Love, peace, joy, light, joy & hugs!!!
You should’ve seen me yesterday, I had to defend myself against the schizophrenic patient that hugged me recently! I was slapping her arm away every time she tried to hit me after hitting me initially. I told her that I was going to knock her head off if she hit me again. She backed off. Wish I had footage of that too! Never a dull moment! If it’s ok for her to hit me, then I should be able to defend myself...
Good luck to your team! Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!
Now let's bring everything up & good! I love you! Peace, light, joy & hugs!!!
He was discharged, thank goodness. Everyone got enough of him! Pervert!
no I do not... I feel very lonely sowntimes. but I am going to be just fine. I am feeling a tad bit better. I really did need some sleep alongside of all of this. thank you for taking the time to comment dear. I hope your day is blessed.
I know you got a lot of replies so I don’t want to repeat anyone. Just want you to know I’m here too if you need to talk. I hate that feeling of not knowing what to do anymore. It’s a “stuck” feeling and it’s very uncomfortable. A simple walk to get out of your head helps. I like journaling too. Keep us updated on how you’re doing. We love you ❤️
just keep swimming beautiful lady ! (sometimes it helps for me to hear that). I feel the exact same on a now daily basis so take it step by step, focus on little tasks, see what your mind is comfortable handling, and go from there. Hopefully you're doing better !
I think you can your a warrior keep going, Ray