losing the battle: i’m exhausted... - Anxiety and Depre...

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losing the battle

_apples_for_ryuk profile image

i’m exhausted. anything i do i have anxiety attacks it has consumed my life. it’s gotten to the point where i can’t go to work anymore, grocery shopping, going on dates. i stay home i know it’s not the healthiest thing but i just sleep anymore. please i need help

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_apples_for_ryuk profile image
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11 Replies
Agora1 profile image

apples for ryuk, I'm sorry you lost your job a month ago. Is that when all these fears

became overwhelming? It sounds like your anxiety might have hooked up with depression

as well. Being exhausted and wanting to sleep is not the healthiest place to be. The longer

you stay stuck in this cycle, the harder it will be to break through and take that next step

forward. I'm glad you came back on this site. Maybe we can help you not feel so alone, so

unmotivated. I hope things change for you soon. We do care. :) xx

_apples_for_ryuk profile image
_apples_for_ryuk in reply to Agora1

well losing the job was hard but i also moved to a different state. i called in today for work it was just too hard

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to _apples_for_ryuk

I understand. :) xx

Jeeper19 profile image

Check out David Burns books, “Feeling Great” , “When panic attacks” and he has others but I have read them and they have helped me out tremendously. They are workbooks that teach you to pull yourself out of your worry and sadness. It teaches techniques and things to actually do and work on to help yourself! It takes practice but is worth it! He also has a Podcast called “feeling good” and a website also called feeing good.

_apples_for_ryuk profile image
_apples_for_ryuk in reply to Jeeper19

i definitely will check them out! thank you

Jeeper19 profile image
Jeeper19 in reply to _apples_for_ryuk

There is always hope! I know it’s cliche to say, but just a few months ago I felt the same way you do and still do at times. But I have hope and I believe that I can feel better. I’m not anyone special so why can’t I feel better about myself and overcome my fears like millions of other people have? That’s just how I have started to look at things. I hope you can find your hope as well. Don’t give up, I promise there is a solution to what you’re going through. It may not be an overnight fix, but if I can start to feel better and have hope then I believe you can as well. Somebody else in the world has felt exactly like you and has overcome it. Don’t give up! You got this!

_apples_for_ryuk profile image
_apples_for_ryuk in reply to Jeeper19

thank you! i went to my local bookstore today it took me 30 minutes to get the courage to walk in but i did i got a few books on how to control anxiety and a journal. i’m hoping i can work on myself.

Jeeper19 profile image
Jeeper19 in reply to _apples_for_ryuk

Wow! That is an amazing start! Getting up the courage to face your fears is part of healing! Be proud that you made these steps! I remember when I went to my local bookstore and was so afraid of getting a book on anxiety because I thought the checkout lady was going to see me with it and judge me for it or look down on me. But she was actually very nice and didn’t say anything about it. Im sure with practice you can overcome your fears! Your brain is like a muscle, it takes time to build it up to where you want it to be, some days will be easier then others but when you start to see progress you will be grateful for the hard times. I like Dr. David Burns books because forces you to write down and practice things as you read his books. He gives you real techniques to challenge your thoughts. He works with CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy and it is pretty popular. It’s centered on doing homework, practicing and challenging your negative thoughts. I wish you the best of luck!

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for reaching out and sharing. I am so sorry you are struggling with severe anxiety. Are you seeing a counselor? Have you tried medication? There is an app called CBT-icoach I have found helpful. apple.co/32tp2y7 I have also tried EFT - Emotional Freedom Tapping- bit.ly/3sAVYiO. I will be praying for you. Know you are not alone, we are here for you and care. I find the more time I spend with God too, through listening to praise music and doing a daily devotional that my anxiety lessens. Please feel free to pm if you want to chat. Hugs and God Bless

I understand your pain. I am currently in the same situation. It's debilitating when the anxiety has taken control and you feel powerless and helpless. It hurts and it makes you shut down more. Which leads to worsening anxiety and depression. I know this spiral all to well. Right now it's a struggle for me to leave my house. I get so anxious I become short of breathe, start to hyperventilate and feel like I am going to pass out. The only way you can overcome the anxiety is to face the fear and be mindful of your thoughts as you are panicking. Believe me this is much easier said than done. It's a process and it takes time to retrain your brain to get out of the panicked state you are in. But it is possible. Some things to consider trying in the present moment are grounding techniques. Such as looking at your surroundings and identifying 3 things you can see, 3 things you can hear, and identifying the feeling of 3 things around you. You can excuse yourself and go to the bathroom, putting your hands in cold water or warm water can help distract you if you focus on the feeling. There are literally hundreds of different grounding techniques out there so I encourage you to look some up and find the ones that work for you. Another useful thing is to do squared breathing. Which is basically just inhaling for 4 seconds, holding your breathe for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and holding your breathe again for 4 seconds. Then you just repeat the cycle. Try to push yourself out of your comfort zone, this will help as well. I am not saying dive into the deep end right away but work your way there. If you have trouble going outside perhaps stand outside for a few minutes each day. If you can do that take a short walk. And keep building from there. It's a process and remember you won't always have good days and that is okay. It's okay to feel bad sometimes. You just have to remember that progress isn't linear and just because you have a low today that doesn't mean you haven't accomplished a lot and made progress. Also, take some time to practice self care and work on self compassion. Forgive yourself for having a difficult time right now. It's okay to struggle at times, we all do. Don't hold that against yourself.

lovetodance2018 profile image

How are you doing? I have been praying for you. Hugs

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