Just wondering how those of you who consider themselves introverts and/or highly sensitive people, have dealt with all the restrictions of the past year. I'm a pretty big introvert and I know it's been a lot easier for me than for other people who are much more social. I'm really mixed up when it comes to figuring out how I feel though. At the beginning it didn't bother me at all. In a way it was a relief because I didn't feel like as big a loser as I usually do when I compare myself to people who are always going out and who have so many friends. I have a lot of different interests and have spent time learning Photoshop, taking language classes, exercising, doing a bit of cooking. I'm conscious though that I'm probably keeping myself really busy to stop myself from thinking too much. I know I'm feeling a bit panicked at the thought of everything going back to normal. I do have friends and it will be nice to see them, but I know I'm not their #1 priority in terms of people they are really excited to see when lockdown ends. One of my friends was talking about how nice it will be to be able to have 15 or 20 people over for a garden party. I don't think I've had that many friends in my whole life. I overthink things so much and part of me is dreading going back to that feeling of being an outsider and seeing everybody else so excited about the summer ahead and all the plans they are making. I would love to hear from you guys to see if you share any of these same feelings.
Introverts and COVID lockdown - Anxiety and Depre...
Introverts and COVID lockdown

For me, I’ve always been the type who wants to be alone. Initially with lockdown I was happy because I didn’t have to see a bunch of people everyday for work or class, but now it’s hard for me to admit that lockdown is impacting me because for the most part, I can’t go to the gym. The gym is the only place for me to be happy and in my safe place even though there’s other people around. Putting on headphones and lifting heavy ass weights was something I did daily.
As for friends, for me personally I’ve learned that I like having a few close real friends who I have stronger ties with rather than bunch of people I have loose ties with, or in another words, weaker connections. I used to have a lot of people around me where I worked and I guess some people thought of me as “popular” but I really disliked the attention over time because I learned that these people wouldn’t pick up the phone to help me out and only will take from me which became toxic and draining and or had other friends they’d rather be with/ attend to first. I was never the type to be in “groups” of friends. I’ve always considered myself to be a lone-wolf, outsider, whatever people want to call it.
Ive never enjoyed parties because its too loud and I get headaches due to sensitivity of the environment and so I personally don’t care for them. I do however miss my small get togethers where I’m either with one person or a few other close friends who like to go hiking. I sadly admit that even though I like my own space, having some type of human interaction is needed for me to avoid being fully depressed.

I'm the same way. Prefer small number of friends I'm close to than more people who are never there for me when I need them. I understand about the gym too. We've been shut down since October 8th but are re-opening on March 26th. Can't wait to get back.
For me being a HSP it was hard at first but the good thing is that I spent more time with my brother 🤗
For me this has been a very mixed time. I consider myself an extrovert but probably less so than when I was young. That's not to say I don't enjoy my own company and am happy spending time alone. I have really missed my nights out down the pub with friends, lunching, going places with friends etc. I also do voluntary work as I am retired now and miss that too.
On the other hand because I am on my own I find most friends have much more important people in their lives than me eg family mainly children and grandchildren. They spend a lot of time with them and usually go on holiday with their families too.
I usually have no one to go on holiday with or go out as much as I would like so I have felt less like a loser in that respect. When my friends talk about holidays etc. I feel left out. Like I said mixed.
I've found it a lot easier than most. A lot of people have said they have spent time with friends and family on zoom or on the phone. I've found the opposite. Hardly anyone has contacted me. It's a bit of a shock when you've put yourself out for them.

I totally understand. I've felt exactly the same way.
You are not realy alone. I'm not toooooo social but don't have much problems with it. I consider myself intro and extro depending who I am with. But concerning the end of Covid, it does t realy bother me so much as I don't realy care much about being around people, I realy enjoy me time. But if it bothers you, I think you should find the people who are exactly like you. Having twenty friends doses not mean you are a Hit. One friend who is a true friend to me is enough. There is one who will priorities you and be looking forward to seeing you.