Duloxetine 30mg it's working with my depression and anxiety brilliantly I managed to handle the side effects at the start and found a time to take it that also suited me and help me sleep I currently take it at 2pm but my sleep pattern is coming back where I'm wide awake from 11.30pm onwards do I need to review with my DR and perhaps go to 60mg or try taking it mornings. I have been on Veneflaxine also in the past but it made me manic and I was doing stuff that was totally out of character I took this anti depressant every morning.. any advice would be amazing right now x
Any advice or information would be so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Any advice or information would be so grateful 🙏
Hi, I usually take mine around 10:30p, takes about 2 hours before I'm sleep, I usually wake up around 7:30a.
I take two 60mgs every morning. Works great
Due to the covid I'm still waiting for therapy which I have been since coming off veneflaxine. There's a huge back log which I understand as I'm not the only person struggling lol. I just wanted to see if these side effects was normal after I fought I'd got through them.
I'm taking the same medication and I was wondering if it needs to be increased too. Its not as effective now as it was in the beginning. Good thought about taking it at a different time of day though I hadn't thought of that. I think it would be good to consult your doctor about it. I am going to ask my doctor about it too. Thanks. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful and you actually helped me. Thank you
I wish you well when you are able to see someone. The way time passes by so quickly you will have an appointment before you know it.
I've always taken my duloxetine in a morning and have found 40mg works well for me. It would definitely be worth trying to take it in a morning rather than having to increase your dose. When I tried increasing to 60mg, I had very vivid dreams which stayed with me throughout the day. I quickly reduced back to 40mg which has been brilliant for my depression. Good Luck!