Living in totality without false self-deception is the key to contentment. We live partially, we love partially, we meditate partially under the invisible masks we wear to present ourselves to society acceptance. Living in totality is living in truth. Wherever truth is, there’s grace without being stuck in blocking your being. Once you recognize that you are wearing a mask, the mask has already started slipping. You have become aware that this is not your face. The mask can remain on your face only so long as you go on believing, pretending, deceiving others and yourself that it is your real face. And the problem is: if you deceive others you will start deceiving yourself finally. The person who goes on being cunning with others sooner or later starts being cunning with himself. He forgets the language of sincerity, authenticity, truth. He has been lying so long that all he knows now is lying; he goes on lying. Hence, It is powerful to recognize hypocrisy. This is the beginning of sincerity, the beginning of truth. Hypocrisy cannot remain long now any more. Hypocrisy can remain only if it goes on pretending that it is not hypocrisy. It exists by pretending to be that which it is not.
It is not about focusing in doing but becoming more aware of things. And the miracle of awareness is that whatsoever is wrong, the moment you become fully aware of, it drops on its own accord, and whatsoever is right, when you become fully aware of it, it becomes your very being. Awareness is the most alchemical phenomenon in the world. It is good that a recognition has happened; this is a good beginning. The seed has fallen in the soil. Just go on becoming more and more aware. Watch each act, each thought, each dream. And don’t do anything, don’t be in a hurry to do something. Just simply go on watching, taking notes what is happening inside you, how you are living your life. And slowly you will become aware of a change happening on its own accord. And when any change happens by itself it has a beauty of its own. ❤️