My psychiatrist ghosted me.. - Anxiety and Depre...

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My psychiatrist ghosted me..

18 Replies

He got a new job I guess. And no one else is willing to prescribe me xanax. I would have no problem weaning off but no one will even prescribe it. I hate psychiatrists and doctors. Im probably going to have to go to the hospital and beg for xanax so that I dont have a seizure and die or something.

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18 Replies

Also I am so sorry for not replying to anyone on my last post. I really have no energy and can barely think most of the time. Please know that I appreciate you all.

A-American-Woman profile image
A-American-Woman in reply to

My dr. who gave me Xanax for all these yrs stopped responding 2 me (he did chronic pain meds too) & my primary care dr. Took me down in my Xanax. The Dr who 1st put me on it said it was safe enough to take the rest of my life. Why did she lie? If I would've known it was so dangerous I maybe wouldn't have taken it. I wonder if that's why I keep sleeping for days & nights? I hate meds & hate being so disabled physically & mentally! Suffer, suffer, suffer. Whee! How are you doing getting off Xanax? Praying for you.

LittleDucky profile image

This is incredibly strange and inappropriate to me that a doctor would just stop communicating with a patient even if they got a new job. They are supposed to create discharge plans it’s like a law in the medical world, it’s something I have to do for my patients and I’m just a counselor. Having expressed my irritation on your behalf, if you do start to experience severe withdrawals I would highly encourage you to go to the emergency room and let them know that you are cold turkey off of benzodiazepines because benzos are one of the more dangerous drugs to suddenly go off. I do not want to scare you at all I just want you to know that there are medical side effects of going off of benzos all of a sudden that are not preferable. I would imagine that there are plenty of people who work in psychiatry who will prescribe benzos once they get to know you but that you may not be in a place where you feel that you have the energy or confidence or motivation to reach out which I completely understand. I am hoping someone in your area may be able to give you some advice as to who to contact about this so that you don’t have to go to the hospital however going to the hospital may result in some referrals so that could be a good thing. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, benzos can be so incredibly helpful and have been in my own life, and I am terrified for the day that I will have to stop taking them because I know how that feels even when it’s done the right way it can be very uncomfortable and scary.Don’t feel any pressure to reply I’m just here to provide information and emotional support.

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

Switch to probiotics, please do try it, and if you wean off of a benzo, you'll need to do it very slowly. Ask God for help and guidance. God bless.

Blueruth profile image

Are you in the states? A PA can work with you too and they tend to be more human. I hate psychiatrists and doctors too. It doesn’t seem responsible to just cut you off. No way to contact the old doc for a referral? He should be able to share with permission.

ThymeMB profile image


ThymeMB profile image

Xanax is calming and not addictive at .25 mg 3 times a day.

Chicago22 profile image

How much xanax are you on? How often? How long?

in reply to Chicago22

1 mg 4 times a day. I know it's a LOT. My anxiety just never got better so he kept upping it and upping it. I was actually prescribed 2 mg 3 times a day but I didn't want to go up anymore. So I have some extra for now.

Chicago22 profile image
Chicago22 in reply to

First of all xanax is usually not prescribed long term. He should of switched you to another med. You need to find another doctor and slowly wean off. Period.I take .25 mg as needed maybe 3x a week

A-American-Woman profile image
A-American-Woman in reply to Chicago22

When I got put on Xanax the CPA told me some of her patients are on Xanax for life! I was so grateful for the relief that I didn't question her. Now I'm 56 & am hearing how dangerous Xanax is as we age. Bummer! Who's right anymore?

A-American-Woman profile image
A-American-Woman in reply to

Try to take at least .25 mgs minimum & the pink allergy medication. May help u wean off or last til you find help. I know where I live it's illegal for a Dr. to leave you hanging like that. I hate all the meds I'm on as if I can't get a script filled I'd be in trouble! That why I HATE needing these meds, but I just do. With meds & vitamins I take about 735 pills/2 wks! It's ridiculous! Tired of living like a walking chemical factory since 1998!

A-American-Woman profile image

I think if that 1 dr. just left you hanging without a prescription that you can go to your primary care dr. & he/she's responsible by law (depending on what State) to give you a prescription so you don't withdraw too fast. My primary care dr has done that for me in emergencies if my other dr can't get certain medd t o me (1 bring Xanax). Hope that you have a primary dr. who'll help you!

in reply to A-American-Woman

Thank you for the reply. Yeah, my primary care doctor can't prescribe it to me either I guess or she'll get in trouble. I wish I'd never gone on it in the first place but no one told me what I was getting into.

A-American-Woman profile image
A-American-Woman in reply to

Too bad the drs don't care more about TREATING their patients! I wish I'd never gotten put on it too, but I was flipping out! Bad! Have u tried medical cannabis? It's done very scientifically now & helps many & best part is - no withdrawals! No chance of overdose! All natural. If you take a higher amt of CBD w/it u won't get the high. I use it w/o cbd (use cbd in mornings) at night to sheep. Just a thought. Good luck.

Agora1 profile image

Hi dear. I beg you to get help with Xanax. You know it took me a long time to get off it

even with the help of my psychiatrist who specializes in benzo withdrawal.

I did find a couple sites on the internet.. "Tapering off Xanax Schedule" using Valium replacement until completely off. You can't do this yourself but hopefully you can find

a doctor willing to get you through this. 4 mg a day is the highest you can safely be on but makes coming off it more problemic. Stay safe. I'm here for you as always wishing you well :) xx

in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much as always Agora. :) I'm talking to a doctor on Tuesday and until then I'm just going to take less and kind of listen to my body. I can handle feeling a little sick but I don't want to risk having a seizure. I'll keep you updated! I hope you're doing well with all of the crazy stuff going on. <3

A-American-Woman profile image

Also, my dr. who started me on Xanax 7 yrs ago said if I need 2 wean off to take (?) those pink over-the-counter pills for allergies. She, my CNP said they'll calm you down & help withdrawals (said chew quickly & swallow immediately as taste is TERRIBLE-& it is-yuck!!) but to try to at least take 1 Xanax if possible while getting off them at least because it's so hard to get off (true for me not just due to withdrawals but soley because my Complex PTSD would send me over the edge & I'd never leave my home, etc.!) GOOD LUCK!

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