How do I deal with feelings of reject... - Anxiety and Depre...

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How do I deal with feelings of rejection and feelings of not being good enough by someone who I thought was my friend.?

Nerds profile image
6 Replies

Feelings of rejection and abandonment by a friend and family have caused me to experience severe depression. Don’t know how to deal with my feelings. I don’t want to make new friends even though I have new friends that want to be a part of my life and have drawn close to me but because I was severely hurt, i’ve learn to put up a barrier. I want to be alone and hide from the world.

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Nerds profile image
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6 Replies
Starrlight profile image

I hear you. Hurting and putting up a barrier I can identify with. We can try to forgive and heal.

The question you have to ask yourself is why do you feel this rejection and why do you not feel good enough. If it is because the people you are talking about, your friends and family, have hurt you then perhaps those relationships need to be reconsidered. A toxic relationship will always cause you harm unless you put an end to it. Remember you are a human being and deserve kindness and empathy. As far as other people go, it sounds to me that you don't want to hide form the world, rather you are doing it because you are afraid of getting hurt again. The only thing to do about that is learn to be kind to yourself and learn to trust again. I know that is much easier said than done. But it's the only way to be able to be close with someone. You have to risk being hurt to gain. But you also need to understand that most people are not out to hurt you. This is where self love and compassion come in. It makes it easier to accept rejection because that is simply a part of life. And if you have self love it takes the sting away so to speak. But that should be your goal self love and compassion. then you can work on the rest. take things one day at a time. You are good enough. You always have been good enough. And you always will be good enough.

What u are feeling is very normal. Rejection does something to everyone but we need to know what it did to us and be able to detect the voice of fear of losing another. We all want to keep people we friends with bcz it is where we find love most of the time and support. I am sorry about that but don't shut off those who want to be your friend bcz of that voice of fear. Detect that voice. There are many things that have happened in my life but I detect that negetive voice trying to push new friends I connect with, so don't hurt urself when u know the problem. Accept those friendships.

SuZQ154 profile image

Glad you are here! We get it! After we are hurt, it is easy to self-isolate. And, although there are times when it is wise and healthy to have alone time, we are in need of having friends and family in our lives. But often we are afraid to reach out again!!

"Do it Afraid" is a devoional which I am doing right now,. It emphasizes that everyone has fear, and God never promises we will not:) What he does promise is that He will give us courage to face our fears! Praying for you to have courage today. Please keep posting!!

Hi Nerds

Thanks for being here and posting.

I do not want to come off as trite. When I hit a similar situation, I concluded that somehow, I was borderline broken and had not experienced that low before.

In my case, time and the realization that I am not going to control how others see me brought peace. With new relationships, that understanding allows me to have people drift in and out of my life based on their specific orbit. If they stay and are friends for life, that's wonderful. If they move on then I knew that was a possibility going in, I accepted that possible outcome and knowing that was my choice I am far more OK with it than not. It does not mean I will not miss them or appreciate the time together ( or their choice to move on if it was not good), it does mean that I am seldom rattled by the choices of others because it was my choice to allow a specific uncertainty into my life. That's now, but it was a really rough journey to here so, if it helps, I am sure a lot of folks here can very much relate. Hang in there, I am hoping you can give yourself the peace that comes with taking things as they come and go.

Pamela2876 profile image

I am sorry this happened to you. Your definitely not alone! Rejection hurts but for me what has helped is setting appropriate boundaries and understanding my worth apart from anyone else’s opinion of me. I find my faith has given me this and it is true that God says I am worthy even when others do not. This friend may come around or maybe they won’t. Either way I’d encourage you to let go of any anger or resentment over this and Know you are worth so much more! Hug to you!

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