Hello, happy new year!
I figured I’d make a post since it’s been a bit and to get some things off my mind.
I know I’m going to sound utterly ridiculous here but please bear with me 😅
I have these moments or spans of time where I imagine my life like a movie (I know, lame). What I mean by this is that I’ll have periods of time where I feel like something unrealistic is going to happen.
Some examples are; the cliche one of listening to music while you’re in a car pretending you’re in a music video.
Another is that some mysterious bad boy is going to drop his walls only for me and “save me” from something.
Or if I’m listening to a certain song that makes me feel powerful, I imagine something amazing happening like having powers or whatever.
I know those all sound super lame but I’m not entirely sure on how to explain it.
I’m not looking for a diagnosis, I dislike writing about something and people assuming I’m looking for a diagnosis when I’m not, I’m just talking 😛
Anyway, I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but probably more poorly than now if gays possible lol but I’m wondering if anyone else has moments like this?
Because I feel insane and lowkey guilty about some of them sometimes. I don’t mean for them to happen but it happens anyway.
I hope you’re doing well despite everything going on, and if you aren’t that’s okay too! It’s a rough time in everyone’s lives right now. Do what you can and make sure to take care of yourself 🤗🖤