Hello wonderful people I’m not doing well at the moment because my teacher is mad at me for being late which is not my fault I feel utterly ashamed because he humiliated me in class I am crying
Feeling upset at myself : Hello... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling upset at myself

He’s a Bastard
What a disrespectful teacher! I’m sorry that happened. Don’t be upset with yourself though. Life happens and things don’t go as planned.
I wanted to tell him why i was late but I didn’t because I know that he would get more mad at me
punishment exercise for the teacher I MUST NOT SHOUT AT PUPILS x 1000.or 6 of the belt like we used to get.
yeah if we done something wrong at school one of the punishments would be to write I must not do whatever it was.or both hands out and lashed with a leather belt.
Ouch I am sorry but I think that doing that is wrong in my opinion
We had a mad science teacher used to chalk a big cross on a gym shoe and you had to bend over and put your head under a bench ....he used to spank us youde smack your head under the bench ...thinking back now must’ve been getting a kick out of it
I’m so sorry for you guys 🥺
We should’ve behaved better
Spanking, slapping hands at home and school was more than normal practice.
I still turned out okay. 😂
yeah we had a mad science teacher I mind sticking my fingers up at him on the school bus in 1st year then I got him again in 4th year and he marched me to the headmaster about it like it was that day and I got suspended for 3 days and kept in the children`s home for the weekend the joys of school or lack of school in my case.
That science teacher was mad alright. Jeez. 😂
What kind of weird, kinky nonsense.... 😂😂😂 At least you turned out ok

Definitely not one from the karma sutra handbook 😀......thanks that’s very kind of you to say ...😌
It was hand slapping with a ruler back in my day.
For really bad offenses you sent to principal where the wood paddle had holes in it. 😬

Back in 2005 or so my principle would get out the paddle for those bad students. I walked by the office and seen a kid get smacked with the paddle. I ran 😂😂 looking back now I’m a bit shocked that was even allowed? I was in a private school though
OMG, private school and this was still happening in 2005? Wow.
This kind of disciplining was in the mid 80’s, I for sure thought this type of discipline was no longer acceptable or fading out by in the 90s.
For a laugh, Back in the 80s in my graduating class, students didn’t get to graduate with the class for Senior pranks like putting a stolen Shoneys Big Boy statue on top of the school roof, another was putting an empty coffin on the roof, it was symbolizing High School Rest In Peace. I think my era was crazy time. 😂😂😂

Crazy right!?? I was shocked to when I saw it happen. My dad would bring out the belt though when we would misbehave so it wasn’t anything new 😂
Omg that’s silly 😂😂😂 highschool days seemed like the good old days. Same with elementary school, no worry in the world. Wasn’t a big fan of middle school though lol..
I hated school. I had less than tentative parents invested in me doing anything with my life outside of school, like going to college or having a career so I did just enough to pass school.
I broke curfew a few times still living at home after high school (I graduated at 17) and my mom kicked me out just after my 18th bday. So all that displining going on didn’t work on me. 😂😂😂😂

I didn’t like school much either but I miss seeing the friends I had everyday!
Oh my.. she kicked you out for breaking curfew?? Or because you graduated lol
I will say, the friendships and fun we had was priceless.
Haha...because I graduated. She probably would have loved seeing me repeat grades for punishment. 😄
She kicked me out because I broke curfew a few times too many. She said she was tired of me running her home like a hotel. My mom was ruthless.

The pranks we would pull on friends and teachers were the best 😂😂
That must’ve been difficult to deal with. Did you at least have a job or a place to go before she kicked you out?? Or did she just do it without warning
Hugs ❤️☮️
Hey Honey! Let's just divert your mind and not talk about him anymore. People who don't care for other's emotions are not to cry for. You're an amazing person and we know it. How about reading some amazing anti-depressing tips? I'm sharing one of my favorites article (with quick tips) I've ever read. ezcareclinic.com/12-famous-...
My zodiac sign is Taurus and I really have a pathetic skincare routine lol. What about you?
I got locked in an empty classroom for an hour and a half as punishment so I just sat and smoked half my cigarettes.
I used to have a maths teacher who was like that. One day, I had to leave school early as an emergency and had homework due in that day, he'd already stressed detention or isolation if it were late. So I went and interrupted his class to hand my homework in before I left. He made me wait outside, proceeded to shout and ball at me, ripped my book out of my hand and slammed the door. I never went back to his class, swapped classes (I was a deputy heads teachers pet) 😂.
Tell someone you can, express how he's making you feel and refuse to go x
That's not cool. He should be reported and made to apologize to you in front of the class.

I want to move to a different class
What class does he teach?


Academic lab basically a period where I finish homework
Still. Not cool.
So, like, Study Hall?

Well that's just rude and ridiculous 🙄 It seems like you're feeling better now, but your teacher needs to chill. Next time, tell him patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait (you're the "good thing" 😂😉)

Yes 😂😂
Can you tell I was sassy in high school? 😂
Hi its ok try not keep think about it some things aren't worth crying over some of us are sensitive and get embarrassed if told off in front others try make uselef s stronger because u may find more challenges especially if u go to work
I’m sorry to hear that Sweetie 😢. He shouldn’t be too harsh on you guyz. I hope you feel better by now and I find having a good lunch help 🤗❤️xox
HB, I had a teacher in 9th grade that absolutely hated me. I’ll never forget her, but I was always in trouble in her class. I was a loud in class on occasion. I got sent to the hallway to spend class standing, not sitting alone out there a lot. She verbally called me out and loved humiliating me and other students. She was ruthless.
That said I understand what you are going through, I’m so sorry you have a teacher that humiliated you in class. It’s the worst. Remember he/she isn’t mad at you, they just have a power trip and like doing this for some reason. I hope you are feeling better now. Get some rest this evening. 🌺💜
That's absolutely disgusting, canyou report him?
I'm sending you virtual hugs and wish I could help.
Alicia 💜💜 xx

I wish I could but I will not because i don’t want to cause trouble
If you bring him ur mom lemon meringue pie, will he be nice to you? 🤔😋

lol 😂 yes
Seeee, problem solved 😂😂😂Win-Win situation. Everyone gets a slice of pie 🤣🤣🤣

I wish I was allowed to bring food😂😂
I'm so sorry that happened to you, Hiba. No teacher should ever humiliate any student. I hope you feel better soon.
I’m so sorry Hiba. He should have discussed it with you in private, but instead chose to use you as an example. If he knows you’re a good student, he should not have put you in that uncomfortable position. Hope you’re feeling better now🌸
Dearest Hiba That was so wrong of him. You don't teach a lesson by humiliation.
I'm glad you reached out to us for comfort. I hope you have settled down some and
not allow this to ruin the rest of your day. Kick the thought to the curb and breathe
through a calming meditation. In my eyes, you are smarter than he could ever be xx
I know how frustrating that can be! My senior year of highschool I had told my teacher I am unable to go on the field trip due to how bad my anxiety was that day and she started yelling at me in front of the entire classroom. I cannot handle being yelled at or others being harsh towards me. I’m such a sensitive person! The tears just came out after she did that. I was humiliated and eventually left the classroom and stayed in the bathroom til that class was over.
Maybe you could send him an email explaining and also mentioning how you don’t like how he spoke to you!
It's ok to cry let yourself be yourself. There were times i was discouraged from doing so or realized i could not yet thats when other coping mechanisms kicked in for me. Some healthy and some not. Its ok to feel and grow . Be humorous its one of our greatest gifts and strengths for dealing with situations and life. I wish you well. You are a wonderful beautiful lady and you have a good heart.
It's ok to cry. And sometimes we are all late. It's not ok to humiliate people. If this happens again as your teacher is speaking imagine his head blowing up slowly like a balloon. A bigger and bigger head on a tiny little neck. It sounds silly but it is one of my favorite coping mechanisms when I feel humiliated or can't avoid a toxic person.