Insomnia : Lately I haven't been... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mrspjsmom profile image
25 Replies

Lately I haven't been sleeping well. Waking up in the middle of the night or waking up every hour. I have been so exhausted I can't think straight. Now my days and nights are reversed. I fell asleep at 2 this afternoon, woke up at 8:30 this evening and am awake but exhausted. It's almost midnight and I can't fall asleep. Thought about staying up and trying to clean or do something else but I'm not 100% so I would probably break something. I know many people suffer from insomnia so if you can share any tips I would appreciate it.

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Mrspjsmom profile image
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25 Replies
FriendlyDude profile image

I’ve found that gentle music can help me fall asleep, and generally things that help me relax. At times it’s hard to sleep because my body is tense. One way I try to assist my body to relax and fall asleep is with breathing. As I breathe in, I focus on the parts of my body that are tense, and as I exhale, I try to release that tension, if that makes sense. Sometimes I’ll give my neck and shoulders a mini massage, and places like those that are generally more tense for me. Trying to relax my face muscles also helps a lot, it has surprised me how tense my face can be without even realizing it! 😅 forehead, temples, cheeks, areas around my eyes, it’s crazy! I guess one way of putting this is to let the muscles go limp and focus on breathing. A great thing about focusing on relaxing is that it helps calm the mind too, which is very helpful. If you focus on breathing and relaxing your body, you begin to focus less on the stresses of life, and then eventually, you’re asleep :)

I’m not sure what to say about waking up in the middle of the night, it happens a lot for me too... sometimes it helps to grab a drink of water before trying to fall asleep again.

This could all be nonsense, but I hope it helps :)

I wish you the best!

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to FriendlyDude

I listened to a guided meditation but turned it down so I could only hear the music. Managed to grab another two hours of sleep but I'm giving up for now. I also have fan and try to use the white noise as well as keeping water near the bed since my medication gives me dry mouth. Thanks for the suggestions. One of my favorite meditations has a line in it that may help with your tension. You start at the top of your head and imagine an ice cube melting in hot water as you slowly go from the top of your head down.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to FriendlyDude

Had a hypnotherapist that used the same technique as you for relaxing the body. It was amazing.❤️🏄‍♀️

I’ve got it too. I’m so sorry this plagues you as well. I would give a limb to sleep normal.

Deep breathing doesn’t help me. It just raises my anxiety cause I’m anticipating the deep breathing to aid me in getting sleepy again and it never works that way. I have to roll with it, sleep will come when it comes. Actually engaging in complete non sleep thinking activities does help me get sleepy again. I will take something for stress in the night way later in night (non prescript gummy I found helpful) on occasion to help me, I mix it with a small dose of melatonin, it gives me a few hours.

I’m still a work in progress and have no solutions to solving my insomnia, but I’ve accepted Im not a normal sleeper, I’m also 1.5 years post menopause, this is NOT helping me at all when I do fall asleep I’m usually woken up by it. Endless cycle.

I truly wish I had more to offer except instead of cleaning, work on a jigsaw puzzle, read, anything distracting that isn’t focus driven like cleaning. Just don’t think of sleep, my experience it pushes it further away. 🌺💜

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to

Thanks for responding. Sometimes I just have to roll with it. Usually after 4 or 5 days I get one nights sleep. I crash from total exhaustion. If I'm really tired during the day I grab a cat nap with Oliver. It's usually not long because I want to sleep at night so I leave the tv on (usually the Weather Channel) and turn the volume down. Sometimes those cat naps are the only thing that keeps me going.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

I do the same, Tv Volume all the way down and No commercial channel like hbo or Netflix...I put my tv screen on power saver and if makes the screen super dark.

I try no naps, but sometimes my old body just crashes out too.

oldtimer159 profile image

I also have insomnia. I was taking a medicine for another illness that was helping me sleep. But it worked for only 15 days max. Now I've started sleeping late again. I just don't think about it too much anymore. I do some work that was pending so I atleast don't feel the guilt of wasting time.

Mrspjsmom profile image

I try to be careful what I do after deciding one day at 2am I was going to clean the kitchen and shattered a glass mixing bowl all over the floor. I think from now on I will just roll with it if I can't sleep. Seems to be more common than I thought. Thanks.

FearIsALiar profile image

My sleep schedule is so messed up! It’s currently 5:30 am ...I haven’t gotten any sleep. It’s like I’m awake during the night and asleep during the day lol!

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to FearIsALiar

That's exactly how I feelspme days. The only advantage is my husband works from 7pm to 7am. At least I'm awake to spend a little time with him. If I need to run any errands I go as early as I can. That way I can sleep during the afternoon if I need to. Sometimes we just have to roll with things. I even tape my favorite shows on tv. Sometimes I watch them in the middle of the night.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Mrspjsmom

Yeah it’s not a fun feeling! Everyone in the house thinks I sleep a whole 24 hours 😂 like nope...I am up ALL NIGHT!

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to FearIsALiar

My family gets upset if I sleep during the day. Luckily the kids have their own homes. If something is going on I drink a lot of coffee to get through it. Luckily my husband understands. I hide how bad my insomnia is from everyone but him. My mother in law is the worst. I get lectures about how to take better care of myself. Sometimes she brings me a pile of magazine articles. Then again she thinks my migraines are "just headache" and fibromyalgia isn't real.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

I have to do extra coffee too to make it through some events as well. HBO or showtime series, I record and will watch them at night. What you describe with your sleep I could have written my self.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Mrspjsmom

Usually if I’m trying to break my bad sleep routine I’ll get up and get a cold shower and try and stay up and splash cold water on my face throughout the day to keep me awake. Eating a healthy meal too helps with lots of protein. I’m trying to get out of this cycle too.

Have you or your husband tried explaining it to your mother in law? Or does she just refuse to listen or try to understand..? I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It sounds frustrating

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to FearIsALiar

She just refuses to understand even though she has been around when I hve had a bad migraine. My husband likes to say she has a different sense of reality than the rest of us. Whatever her reality is I never want to go there. So I just ignore many things she does and move on.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Mrspjsmom

Yeah that’s the best thing to do. Not worth your time

swordfishll profile image

Have you tried deep breathing exercises? Slow your breathing down.

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to swordfishll

I try that often. Sometimes it's hard so I breathe in for a count of three, hold it for a count of three then let it out for a count of three. When my mind is spinning I can't concentrate on my breathing unless I do that.

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

Hi Mrspjsmom. I’m also part of the insomnia club. My problem is not falling asleep but staying asleep. And when I do sleep it is often accompanied by incredibly lucid dreams, which means I’m not sleeping soundly. So I’m exhausted a lot. One tip I have is to listen to guided imagery by a guy named Jason Stevenson. There is a large selection of those. Find one that works and stick with it. I get at least a couple of hours of sleep from his narration and the gentle music that goes along with it.

Gentlespirit profile image

Sometimes classical music helps or Tibetan meditation music or soft rock something that connects me to how i am feeling at first sometimes and then i switch to different music. Have you ever listened to Simon and Garfunkel or Abba?? Maybe a shower or cup of tea? Writing down how I feel without going into detail. Do what works for you though.

Mrspjsmom profile image

I like Simon and Garfunkel and ABBA too. Music helps sometimes but sometimes I can't settle down and sleep no matter what I try.

WanderingWolf profile image

I've been having issues staying asleep for the past couple months since a medication dose increase. There are a few things that help me manage it and I tend to mix and match as needed depending on how I'm feeling. First is steady noise from a fan as well as a sound recording of jet engines (10 hours long so I don't have to worry about it ending early). The consistent droning seems to be helpful. Second is herbal tea, no caffeine, since it can promote relaxation. Sometimes I'll use a lavender linen spray on my pillows. Similar to the tea, lavender scent can promote relaxation. Melatonin, magnesium and OTC sleep aids help on the more difficult nights.

Another option to consider exploring is a weighted blanket. They simulate a hug type of sensation. There are a bunch of weights to choose from too (I have a 25 pound blanket). They're used quite a bit to help manage anxiety, and like the other stuff, can really help promote relaxation. They might be worth a look.

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to WanderingWolf

Thanks for the suggestions. After 4 pm I don't drink anything but water. I have a lavender spray somewhere and can try that. I do use a fan but have not bought a weighted blanket. I tuck my comforter under me on both sides. But I haven't tried a weighted blanket because I move around a lot. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Will have to mix and match some things and figure out what works.

I am having a very off day and night tonight. I slept off and on all day, now I'm totally awake this evening and night. But there's always tomorrow!!!! I think I need to exercise during the day and be doing things where I'm more active during the day, then I usually sleep better.

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to

I get that way. When I am exhausted I grab some sleep when I can. Sometimes it helps other times it makes it harder for me to sleep at night.

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