Me, I love problem solving and I am determined.
What is something positive about you? - Anxiety and Depre...
What is something positive about you?

I’m a great listener
Starrlight,you light up our day with most things you say,just being you,is great,and solving problems is too.part and parcel of a good person,, as is honesty and integrity---listening too ,proper listening,should never make you blue , so dont change,just let that beauty shine through........
You’re a poet, did ya know it!?
yeah,Ilove words and your name and was trying to respond to the question regarding the things you like bet about yourself,and hence the outcome,trying to rhyme isfun, and lighthearted it was so forgive the pun-----on a more serious note Im a good listener as I was trying to say,memory is not bad and classical music .....(considering my age)...good listening ears despite tinnitus--------say no more ----like 60sand 70s music..thanks for asking--whats your favourite pastimes,,and love your art---
You....also have an amazing talent. 💜 Keep posting. Love admiring your work.
Me, I’ve became quite good at using power tools. 😄😄

That’s awesome
Not really, it means I can do the manual hard labor my property requires. I wonder if being inquisitive on how to use a chain saw was ever a good idea. 😁😁

Love this picture. You have a gift Star.Something positive about me is I have a kind heart.
Hi it’s Shnookie. I’m a determined person and ever since COVID hot I have beenVery proactive and trying extremely hard
to improve my financial situation and make my life easier so I can proceed on with my life.
I am an empath, so I can feel when others are off. I listen with my whole heart and truly want to help others. When I'm feeling completely myself, I can turn any situation into a positive.
OMG...You're amazing!!!!!!!!! How absolutely phenomenal? I LOVE it. It's peaceful...and something else, but I can't quite put how i feel into words. Black and white is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!HHHmmm...what's positive about me? My integrity.
I am a very friendly person and genuinely care about others!
Th at 2!decades ago I had a psychotic episode and I. haven’t had a relapse since then