I am determined...
Name something good about yourself
I am determined...
Name something good about yourself
Everything about me is good 😄. I love myself ❤️
Awww how awesome! You inspire me.
I have a lot of patience 👍
I love nature and gardening.
So do I. It's almost a meditation when I am planting flowers and taking care of them.
Agree! I wouldn't let my sister-in-law go to the nursery the other day without me. We got a whole bunch of plants and have been busy planting them. It's been so great!
Me too! I’m a sucky gardener though but it’s fun maybe you’ll give me some tips. I have a spot that had dirt and weeds and I don’t know what to do with the area.
Depending on how large the spot is perhaps you could pull the weeds. Put down some barrier (I use black plastic garbage bags sometimes) Then put a planter of flowers on top surrounded by mulch or stones. If it's really large pull the weeds and plant some perennial flowers. I live on land that was once part of a large farm. Where I live is where they put rocks of every shape and size. LOTS OF ROCKS. The soil has alot of clay in it. So it's hard to dig and hard to get many plants to take off and flourish. So I plant things that are easy to grow then fill my deck with planters. I also have planters going up my front stairs and on either side of the garage door. Sorry for rambling on.
I love hearing about what you do with your land and advice is good. I wish I had a huuuuuge rock. I guess I will pull the weeds but did that once and they just grew right back and it is a rather big area... hmmm maybe I’ll try again...what do you think about wood-chips?
Wood chips would look nice. Just put them on top of plastic after you kill the weeds. You can kill weeds by pouring boiling water on them. Just be careful. I did it once and killed some grass too. My husband wasn't thrilled but it grew back 🤣 Depending on the size of the area and where it is I added a photo of another option. My friend has these all over her front and back yard and they look really nice. She planted miniature roses in some of them. Her grocery store mini roses are up to my chest now! Even has one in the middle of her front yard filled with flowers, solar lights and cute lawn ornaments.
Wow thank you so much fir the tips! My area is such a big mess that I just don’t know when I’ll bother. I want to but I don’t ha! I have a lot of lemon balm here and there and mint. Some flowers but mostly weeds. I am looking right now and I see a mysterious rose plant and I don’t recall planting it. Sweet!
I am resilient
I love that. So hard for me to do at times.
It's definitely not easy. It takes practice, patience, strength... Qualities that we don't always have in large supply, especially when we are going through a hard time.
And honestly, I didn't even know I was resilient until my therapist pointed it out to me 😅 I just thought I was living, just trying to get by. But as my therapist pointed out- Living requires resilience. To be beaten down, rejected, endure failure.... and then press on... whether it's just to drag yourself out of bed to feed your pets so they don't starve, or water your plants so they don't die... that's resilient ❤️
Hey, I never thought of it that way! That is so true!
Yup! Resilience is about bouncing back. Even a small bounce is still a bounce 😊
oh, goody. I'm bounceable!!!!! (is that a word? If not, it should be)
Actually, I like this one better -- I have bounceability. Or this one -- I have the power of the bounce. Or how about this one -- watch out; I bounce!
According to Merriam Webster, it is! (I actually looked it up online 😂). So you are totally bounceable. Look at you go! Some people walk through life, others skate through life, but you found a much more fun way-- you BOUNCE through it!
Really?! Sweeeeeeet! I'm just about to bounce over to my brother's house now, so talk later. Thank you ever so much for helping put a good morning thought in my head!!!I wonder if I should pass on the power of the bounce to my niece and nephews? Hmmm......probably not a good idea. The last thing their mom needs is a bunch of Tiggers...
I agree, let's not overwhelm their mom 😂
But hey, "The Power of Bounce"™️... I think you're onto something there! Enjoy the bounces today and everyday 😊
I pay attention to the people closest to me. When I give them a gift it's always something I know they wanted because of something they mentioned. When I give it to them I carefully pick out a card just for them and choose some way to wrap it they will like. I even wrap gifts for small children using tissue paper. Easy for them to open themselves. My children are both grown but I still remember what food they like (especially the vegetables). Their favorite color. The things they like to do. At least at times all those little details drown out the horrible thoughts I think about myself.
Wow thanks for sharing that powerful hope and love here.
I love the thoughts behind tissue wrapping!
Thank you. When my children and my neices and nephews were young it was such fun to watch them tear through the tissue paper with a look of determination and a smile because they did it all by themselves.
When I'm not anxious and reacting in fear I can be very logical and rational. It's a superpower when I feel unthreatened and safe. My family get to benefit from some good decisions because I'm (mostly) safe around them.
I dive deep. Often it's not appreciated and considdered difficult, but over the years I started to see it's not something bad to think a lot.
I really like the photo you chose.
I'm good at keeping secrets and good at not revealing my secrets to anyone🤫
Now I’m curious ha!
Hmm really don’t know what I am good at apart from beating myself up lol, not really lol but you know what I mean….I guess that even though I am incredibly hard on myself I am good at reading what people’s characters are like and always ( or nearly always) seeing the good points about them. Comes from years of people watching, one of my favourite hobbies…..
When the day comes when I know my Depression has lifted the feeling is just Amazing !!
Something good about myself, people say that I'm funny. Now that I think about it everybody tends to say that about me. I guess the reason why I'm funny is because I know what it's like to be sad. And I don't want anybody else to feel like that. We got to laugh to keep from crying.
Love Your picture so beautiful. I love Nature. I care and love deeply and would never want that to change it's Me.
I'm someone who's always pointing over her shoulder then saying, " I don't worry about it as it's over there. I've moved on! "
I have great resilience!
That’s so awesome!!!! Keep up the great work!
Cheers starrlight
Are u still running Starr?
Hey Laykonyde! Well nope I’m not just walks and yoga and floor exercises. But I’d like to get back to it. How about you?
It's really good your still doing these things to keep you going. Pls keep it up.
I run twice a week and walk everyday. I do think I have an OCD with walking though 🤔
That’s great you are running. Walking too. Why do you feel it is ocd with the walking?
Just ain't happy until I have run/ walked a few miles
Right. Gotcha. I need to be more like you. I feel bad a lot lately and I haven’t been running or walking much. I need to just do it.
I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband, who just took time out of his travel time to work, to stop by the coffee shop and bring me back a Chai Tea! 😇
I am a recovered alcoholic going 16th year. Always there for new comers at the meetings to give them hope.
I value health over money. I do my best for my family. I get knocked down but I get up again. I am empathetic. I am kind to people and animals. I am smart enough to know being a good parent, is the most important thing there is. I am full of love .
Hmm sometimes this question really gets to me but I need to find something!! I would say the way I am there for others and how much I love other people
I really appreciate you taking the time to post this and make this forum get more positive by just one post! Too cool
I have integrity, wisdom and insight that I often use to help people clarify what's going on with themselves. It's my ability to convey what I understand in someone that allows my compassion to come through when they are struggling. I can see through things to the essence.
I am kind. And I'm in the progress of learning how to treat myself kind like how I treat others
Thks for this post, it pushes me to think of a positive side of me.
Deep inner world and care a lot. Sometimes these things make me suffer tho