If you've been feeding your anxiety by fighting it and getting nowhere try doing the exact opposite. Stop fighting. Agree to co-exist with the symptoms of your anxiety. Accept them. Not forever, of course. God forbid you should feel like this forever. But just for the moment, for the time being. I'll tell you why.
Fighting causes nervous tension and stress. Your nerves need LESS of that not MORE.
If you react to anxiety with more stress, tension and anxiety then you add more sensitisation to your already over sensitised nervous system. Your adrenal glands sense anxiety and suppose you are in danger so they flood your body with adrenaline and cortisol to give you more energy for fight or flight.
But you aren't about to do fight or flight - so these hormones of fear just hung around making you feel wretched and even more panicky.
So what if you do the EXACT OPPOSITE? Instead of frightening yourself half to death every few minutes and fighting the bad feelings you simply agree to accept them for a while?
Accept that the strange feelings are here to stay for the time being. O.K. you're going to feel uncomfortable but isn't it worth it to free yourself of anxiety once and forever? Because when you stop bombarding your nervous system with fear hormones your over sensitised nerves begin to recover. And when they've fully recovered, anxiety levels drop to normal and you recover your quiet mind.
But for Acceptance to work it must be true acceptance and not just 'putting up with'. No looking at the clock every two minutes and asking 'How much longer?'. That's not accepting. The Acceptance method I suggest means framing your mind in such a way that you can say to yourself:
"O.K., I have high anxiety, I feel kinda panicky, and it's a horrible feeling. But I now know the nature of the beast.
"It's not going to kill me or disable me for life or send me crazy, anxiety doesn't have the power to do that.
"Isn't it worth accepting the feeling for as long as it takes to slay the dragon once and for all?"
If you're looking for an instant fix you'll have to look elsewhere. For Acceptance to work you have to 'LET TIME PASS'.
Your next feeling of high anxiety or panic attack gives you an opportunity to practice Acceptance. A chance to stop adding second fear to the flash of first fear. Because anxiety feeds on fear.
So join all the other fellow sufferers travelling hopefully along the Yellow Brick Road that leads to respite and recovery. And start claiming back your life.