I’m struggling to be ok my dog is sick I’m very very anxious & worried and don’t knw what to do while waiting for her vet appointment tommorw!!! ??? She is my furry baby soo painful to see her not doing well🥺
My dog is sick now 😂😖as if things w... - Anxiety and Depre...
My dog is sick now 😂😖as if things weren’t painful hard enough!
I'm so sorry your dog is sick. We become very attached to our pets and it hurts us to see them sick. I hope your app. with the vet tomorrow goes well and your baby feels better soon.
I really feel helpless & Don’t knw what to do to help her??? I talked to her tell her I love her and what a good dog she is-massage her diggynech/shoulders the way she’s always loved it !! & hold her paw- she always gives her paw to shake🥺😖😂but barely reaching or moving it out now!😱wish she could talk and tell me what’s wrong!! So hard unfair!! Her symptoms hav really gotten worse soo quickly her eyes ite seems even worse she’s not eating much and has always had huge appetite!!! It’s like she has no energy or strength really and seems depressed and off balance
I'm so sorry to hear your baby is sick. You are helping her. You are loving her, comforting her. She will see the vet and you will find out what's going on.
They can't talk but they do show us in other ways that they are hurting.
I hope the appointment goes well and they can help her to feel better.
I totally understand. I had a problem like that last weekend with my dog. I thought her Trachea was collapsing but came to find out it is called a backwards sneeze which doesn’t hurt her normally.
I guess take some deep breath’s just try to stay calm and think positive. I know it’s so hard especially for me to say that but I do know how you’re feeling. Try to do something to get your mind off of it.. I really hope your baby girls ok