Anyone on here suffers from HYPOTHYROIDISM?? im convinced i have it because lately ive been having a slow heart rate and i have extreme ANXIETY and i cant swallow sometime but once i go to the ER all symptoms disappear and theyll sayits anxiety i just cant believe them anymore
Worried: Anyone on here suffers from... - Anxiety and Depre...

Have a look at the link for symptoms. I can't see a slow heartbeat there. You would also have a number of symptoms not just one. I have borderline hypothyroidism and have to have blood tests every 3 months. My symptoms were loss of body hair (very noticable), lethargy, fatigue, muscle ache, and putting on a lot of weight. It is also rare for people your age unless there is a genetic link. I very much doubt you have it, and is almost certainly health anxiety. This produces many physical symptoms so Google these.
Yeah I'm looking now hypercat54 thanks its just getting me anxious because i cant seem to think that its just anxiety , how is it that powerful i dont get it
Its like every disease mimics anxiety symptoms thats why its been so hard for me to recover
I totally understand. It’s hard sometimes
I too have a fear of hypothyroidism, but it is also because my mother has it. My anxiety has the physical symptoms of low blood sugar and I often convince myself hypothyroid.
I know that it is not, because if I take something fast acting for anxiety these feelings go away.
Anxiety is a nightmare because it makes you question if something else may be wrong. I am trying to do a lot of positive thinking and also just telling myself I can't control my health, but I can except it.
Someday I do ok and others wear me down.
I take med for it. Routine blood work, I think, usually checks for it.