Hey Everyone...I know I suffer from chronic anxiety but I'm having problems physically that I'm pretty sure cant possibly be anxiety related...I started feeling really tired several months ago everytime I went out for even a short distance..I would just lie down and would be asleep within minutes for 2/3 hours straight..i just thought it was anxiety taking it out of me..but then I noticed I would walk off balance...pulling me to the left...would bump into anything on my left and as I walked on I would get the severe tiredness again...this went on for months and I jut ignored it and battled on...now I'm having severe pains in both legs ....and all across the lower back...today I could hardly stand straight with the pain in my back....the pains are especially bad at the back of the legs right into the buttocks...like shooting pains....I have to see a Dr to have bloods taken in a few days and I'm really worried ...surely, this cant be related to chronic anxiety? Any advice really appreciated.. x
Getting worried about my health... - Anxiety and Depre...
Getting worried about my health...

I'm not a doctor but it sounds like something going on with your back. Your doctor may have you do physical therapy. It doesn't sound anxiety related. I've had spinal issues and have had surgery on my neck and back and it's improved quality of life. Not that you will need surgery there are options most like beginning with tests and probably physical therapy.

you are smart to know that not everything is because of anxiety. at the same time it can be related to anxiety, pinched nerves, or who knows what....but only a doctor can tell. im glad you have an appointment and care about taking good care of yourself. if you are having a problem standing have you thought about going to an urgent care or other medical facility today? why wait for days? not being able to stand and more easily is not a condition to put off.
Thank u for your reply...Appreciated I was told to wait until I get bloods taken...I could stand up later on but the pain in the lower back is bad....I am trying to stay calm but I must admit its bothering me....I did hear some anxiety sufferers can get pains in the legs..but I'm sure this is not anxiety related....I hopefully will have the results soon...

Hey...Thanks for the reply...Appreciate it My brother recently had sciatica and I was wondering if I might have the same...I'm worried also because I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome a short while ago...and have had a very stressful life trying to cope...I heard if someone goes undiagnosed for years they end up with very serious problems..Im probably making my anxiety worse by reading about Autism, if that makes sense? Good to hear u improved with having surgery...im having a lot of pain in the lower back still...Hopefully I will find out soon...x
Anxiety caused me to cramp up on one side so all the muscles were a big ball and that caused my hip to move which caused one leg to be half an inch shorter. I'm not sure if this is what happened to you but could be worth looking into. I see a massage therapist, Ostiopath and chiropractor to fix it.
Thanks lostgirl75.....That sounds a bit like what I'm experiencing...I feel as if my left leg is shorter or something when I walk...I also get ..on my left when I walk as if I'm missing a step..if that makes sense...ive had chronic anxiety for 8yrs now so its certainly worth looking into....Appreciate your post..Hugs x
I have had similar problems with balance and muscle cramps it turned out to be side affects from medication
Hey...I was thinking about meds and if they could have those side affects...especially if on them a long time...I'm taking a small amount of diazepam daily ...only 1mg...Don't respond well to anti-depressants...Was everything ok when u didn't take them?
As it turned out I wasn't responding well to the meds either so if you are only taking Diazepam I would read on the pamphlet you get when you refill your prescription and see if any of the possible side affects are what you are experiencing. As far as I know Diazepam is a muscle relaxer and 1mg is a very small dose. But I never suggest for anyone to stop taking their meds without consulting their doc first strictly because withdrawals can really upset your condition and in bad cases if you forget or don't think about that you are in fact going through withdrawls you could panic and think the worst is happening to you (as in losing your mind). So please don't do that.
But I can relate to your anxiety about feeling like something is going very wrong with with your health and you don't know what it is so your mind will start coming up with some of the most horrible possibilities. I have thought that I had everything from brain tumors to liver cancer, internal bleeding, intestinal parasites I even convinced myself once that I was going blind. It is a Horror that nobody can relate to unless they have been through it.
This is what I do now to stop it and I pray it will work for you luv.
when I start "wondering" about why something doesn't feel right I remember all the times I allowed my mind to torture me. And everytime it turned out to be ok. My mind was wrong on every single diagnosis. And there have been so many only God knows the exact number.
So when it starts you remember me and this statement "Shanedavey has suffered with depression and anxiety all his life he is now fifty years old and is physically healthy his mind lied to him just like my mind is trying to lie to me and I won't let it happen! The fact that he is alive is the proof my mind is wrong and this (whatever symptoms are bothering you) is going to pass because it is a figment of my mind not of my body."
Try it and when the anxiety turns up the volume because you are fighting it, keep it simple "shane is alive and well! my mind is wrong! it is not true!"
I hope it can help,
I will pray for you.
Thank u Shanedavey...I really appreciate your help... I am still taking the Diazepam at night only to help with sleep...its the wakening in the morning that's a real problem...that's when I have panic attacks...feel so scared...its like an alarm going off each morning...I don't know if having Aspergers contributes due to us having quite obsessive minds...so when I had my first attack, maybe ive become obsessed about taking more and then it happens.....its exhausting..Ive had exactly the same experience with Health anxiety..its a living hell...thinking I have every illness and youre right...its all been false...My Dr told me Anxiety is a bully....
Sorry u have went through years of this too...no one understands...you people on this site are amazing, so helpful....My Dr thinks the issue with my legs might be sciatica...taking tests to find out....I hope u are well and keeping strong....I will remember what u have told me...
Sending Best wishes ...x