The entire month of August has been exhausting to say the least. Another thing came up yesterday and this morning another thing came up and it just seems a never ending series of events and issues that wants to take me down and take me down hard.
I’m exhausted physically, my mental fitness or let’s say what I do to manage it daily isn’t working too well today. I have way too much going on, one thought is running into another, I’m struggling to take one thing at a time. I’m flustered and anxiety is winning.
The thing that came up yesterday isn’t going away anytime soon, my chocolate lab has a torn ACL and will need debilitating surgery and a lengthy rehabilitation. She has a consult next Tuesday with ortho 90 minutes drive from here. I don’t even know how to get her well.
Anyhoo, I’m reaching for something, I don’t have time for this. Help, I’ve a never ending headache, jittery, shaky (this isn’t like me to let it spiral too much) and my brain needs to shut up that’s one thing for sure. 😊😂