So im freaking out i was tested 4 days ago for h pylori now my docs surgery has called and said the doc wants to arrange a telephone consultation im now freaked out what if theyve found something worse anyone got any advice to calm me down
So worried : So im freaking out i was... - Anxiety and Depre...
So worried

I am having terrible troubles at the moment with my bowels and I am waiting for a phone call dreading what the Doctor might say so I know how you will be feeling
But I can say that there no doubt will be nothing seriously wrong , when you have had tests done a lot of times they give you a follow up call just to tell you , nothing serious was found but this is something you can either take or do to help the situation
Nothing maybe I will say will calm you down but take deep breaths , try to not think negative , wait for that call and please let us know how it goes , I am sure you will be fine
Take Care x

The receptionist said it says on the the something about make an appointment to see gp my thing is on the letter i had to take with the stool sample it says was checking for h pylori but what if they have checked and found something else im so terrified i just cant deal with this worry x
Yes you are going to be , when is this Doctors phone call arranged for ?
If it is not before the end of the week you need to phone back and tell them you suffer with anxiety , and part of your anxiety is health , this message you have had and having to wait for a call is pushing you over the edge and you really need to speak to a Doctor now as you have reached your limit
Be firm about your situation , I have had to do this before and I end up getting a call x

Yh they tried to say monday but i said i have anxiety i need to know sooner she said call bk after 2 which i did they said a doc would call me today this afternoon im just so scared if they were checking for that bacteria what it said on the letter would they check for other stuff or just what the doc ordered the test for x
You will get that call soon , hang in there , I bet it won't be bad even though your anxiety is in over drive
Try doing some deep breathing , get a warm drink , know that call is on it's way and fingers crossed you will be able to relax soon x
Hi. I hope you are well. I had h pylori and I was given antibiotics to clear it up. If it comes back positive, don't worry because once you finish treatment you will feel better. Ask your Dr if you can take pro and prebiotic while taking the antibiotics to keep the good bacteria balanced, if it comes back positive. Also, I see you mentioned surgery and consultation. The consultation can be just to gather information before your surgery, which is normal. No worries, just deep breaths and positive thoughts 😊. I hope everything works out for you.
Thank you yh i tested positive for it starting 2 types of antibiotics and i didn't mean surgery as in operation i meant my doctors surgery.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply hopefully i will feel better soon x
I was going to follow you to find out why h pylori was a surgical procedure right away. I was found to have h pylori years ago and all they gave me was prefaced. Grant it just a few years ago they found Barrett's disease and it took one doctor to overrule a bunch of other ones that I don't have Barrett's. So I've been in limbo with my health on that disease. My own provider said she was leaving Barrett's on my chart because of the tissue sample they found that showed I had the disease. I'm just looking for someone who has Barrett's to see what they are doing or had done to relieve the symptoms. I know wanted to do surgery in me at first until this doctor overruled everyone. Have been waiting for second opinion from another place but it's hard to get into.

Hi I wasn’t having surgery I in the uk not sure we’re your from we call our doctors office doctors surgery when I tested positive the gave me triple therapy so 2 different antibiotics plus a stomach acid lowering tablet that’s the only treatment I have received I don’t think I have Barrett’s no further treatment has been given to me
I'm from the US. They called our doctors specialist. Each doctor specializes in some different areas. The one I went to is a gastroenterologist. Well actually a regular doctor put me on prefaced but he was a pill pusher because the facility makes money off the prescriptions. But my last provider wanted actual proof I had heartburn- h pylori. I have it but for some reason the one doctor overruled the doctors and a positive tissue sample from my stomach that led to Barrett's. Thank you for setting me straight on the surgery doctor.

That’s ok my doctor told me that after the triple therapy treatment my stomach will take many months to heal I got retested abit 10 weeks ago but never received a follow up call so I’m assuming it was negative as the first time they called me after 2 days to say it was positive.I hope you find some answers as I know having these horrible symptoms are not nice to live with my worst symptom is a need to burp but most of the time I can’t it’s realy uncomfortable
Im glad youre feeling better. I hope to find my answers too as the burning sensations in the chest and belly gets to be too much some days. Happy New Year's to you!!
I see this was awhile ago. Did they do a scope for you then?
No I just had antibiotics to clear the infection