Hey, everyone, I am Ludwig.
I am living with my parents after I quit my job. Since then, my father started to see me as a “kid” of teenage with his father attitude, commanding and overprotective, ignoring the fact that I am a 22 year old, a grown up child. Things get worse when days ago I got appendicitis and became sick. At first he was nice, on the surface, to come with me to the hospital and to take care things for me. But at last night, when my situation became worse and has to go the the hospital again, he cannot stop fighting with my mother on our way to hospital and even shouting at me when I asked them to stop with my weak breath, I was almost not able to breath then and my chest was hurting. He is half deaf and, when he cannot hear the answers of his questions from others, he become emotional and flamed, accusing others not being respectful to him, even they do. On our way to hospital last night, my mom has chosen mistakenly the wrong kind of Uber and the taxi driver therefore had to pick a longer path than usual. Finally He asked, and answered by the driver, three times, to change his way to hospital, the Uber driver declined because of the company’s policy. But none of the answers he heard, and when my mother tried to forward the driver’s words to him, he got emotional, accusing her erupting the their conversations and being unrespectful. Then they started fighting. I was trying to ask them to shut up because we were on a such little taxi that cannot bear their epic exchange of insults, but my father shouted at my face that I am just a kid and should not stop his “talking” , before he starting to insult the driver. The drive answered his questions, surprisingly calmly, but my father, not hearing clearly, just cannot stop scolding the driver for not replying, and when he did, he accused the driver of a liar for being unable to change the route, even started to complain about how we were being disrespectful to him. Finally I arrived hospital with a unusually high pulse rate.
It has been difficult to live with him for many years. But it became much more heartbreaking and difficult to realize that he cannot stop accusing, scolding, and after all, hurting others for demolishing his “pride” when there is a emergency and I was in great pain. I really want to understand why he was so unreasonable and live with him in peace. But the only way to live him seems to be not to challenge his authority, even though he was being unreasonable. It is just difficult to stay with him in a house, without consistent fear for his unpredictable burst of emotions. Please help.