Hi guys I hope you’re all well and safe. Yesterday I had the worst panic attack of my life I was sweating and felt like I was going to die I kept screaming no no I don’t want to die and thought I was going insane. I called an ambulance and the paramedics both thought it would be best if I went to hospital to speak to the mental health team. Today a tad better but mostly I’ve felt wound up and scared that I’ve contacted covid from going to the hospital. But all of my family are viewing this as a turning point as I’ve been referred to a proper psychiatrist instead of a counsellor and I’m hoping this is a turning point but it doesn’t feel like it. I would like to know if you guys think I should be worried about the possibility of me having covid from going to the hospital and if this is a turning point just feel like I’m snapping and I’m worried my mind will just break
What does everyone think?: Hi guys I... - Anxiety and Depre...
What does everyone think?

at least youlle get an appointment quick now and hopefully the right treatment plan...ps how’s the dogs?
They’re good thank you for remembering I hope you’ve kept safe and well during all this as well:)yeah that’s positive and I’m greatful just concerned about contracting the virus. But I’m not sure how worried to be
Don’t worry about having contracted COVID 19 as long as you wore a mask and people weren’t coughing all around you your good, I’ve been the hospital 5 times since this thing started and wore a mask and didn’t touch everything with out sanitizer or washing your hands! I went for almost the same thing you went for thinking I was ill from the panic attacks, and anxiety attacks, and it plays tricks on your mind like your going crazy ! Your not even if your conscience is going back and forth just remember the mind is gonna say what it wants just let it but just don’t act on it if it’s says do something crazy ignore it and take deep breaths hope this helps .Stay Strong and take it one day at a time . God bless
Hey hope you’re feeling a little better now? How is everything

Hi thank you for your reply I’m feeling still very very stressed and anxious I’m trying to go out more but I fear this exposes me to covid and I also fear I need to be in a mental hospital for how I’m feeling
Remember the more you go out the better you’ll be and you’ll get comfortable in situations like that. Covid is pretty much just like a flu from what my doctor said.
Hi, I just wanted to say that while no one wants to be on a psychiatric ward, if going there gets you some help that you desperately need then don't be ashamed to do so. These days most people aren't there longer than 2 or 3 weeks. Some places are better than other ones. I think a lot of people are dealing with high anxiety right now, this too shall pass.
Hi I’m so sorry about your panic attack. You didn’t deserve the pain and fear you went through. I understand how you feel. Before I went to the psychiatrist for the first time I felt like everything was hopeless and that I was going to suffer for the rest of my life. Going to the physiatrist was a huge turning point for me. She explained what I was going through and helped me navigate what I was feeling. She listened to no matter what I said and she was very kind and empathetic. She recommended different therapies and told me which one(s) would work the best based on my condition. She even helped me set up an appointment with a good therapist. I have been getting better ever since. Based on my experience I think that going to the physiatrist was a huge turning point for the better in my life. I think it may be beneficial to you too (depending on the physiatrist but most are nice.) I don’t think you have COVID if you took all of the precautions. If you are worried you do then you can get tested for it if you want to. But I wouldn’t worry to much unless you develop any systems. If you are really worried then you can self quarantine for the next 14 days just to be safe. Remember that none of this is your fault. You can’t control mental illness and didn’t choose to have it. I hope everything gets better for you. Have an amazing day.