I know it's summer. I know I live in the Northeast and the days can be humid. But today the heat and humidity are draining. I've been hiding in the air conditioning almost all day and I still feel like the Wicked Witch of the West. Grumpy and melting.
So darn hot!: I know it's summer. I... - Anxiety and Depre...
So darn hot!

I feel your pain. I’m in Florida. Lol.
I felt the same.....
So I went for a looooong walk/run!
I like your logic 🤔🙂
I hide everyday in the A/C. I’m in the Deep South, I can’t wait till October. 😅😅😅

U.k ....usually pississting down all the time but had sunshine today ☀️
Very noice. Sunshine a plenty today but up to 105 heat index. 😱
I took my old dog Jules for a .10 mile walk and came back home, just to hot in the sun at 6:30 am this morning, she still got a treat for her walking effort. 😁😁😁😁

You could do roxy dawns forum excercise classes .....is your life crap ???if the answer is yes .....join crap lives matter club 😊
I’ll do this at my new house on my high decks. I’ll show you how to run a 5k without stepping foot on pavement. 🤣

Looking forward to these mountain lion pictures from your new garden
I’m moving to a house built on the side of a mountain, seems fitting I’d be looking for mountain lions. Maybe I’ll get up close and personal like the crock hunter did with his crocodiles (May he RIP, he was amazing to watch).

Roxy dawn s grizzly rescue sanctuary Maybe take in any injured bears .....saw a great series bb1 I think was about Black bears ....think it was around jellowstone maybe.
No bears here, if I were a bear I sure wouldn’t live in this hot mess of a state either.
Maybe there’ll be a BigFoot siting I can post for Crap Lives. My house might could turn into a tourist destination. 🤣

I got sucked into watching the search for Bigfoot on tv at the weekend 😄will be an hour of my life ille never get back .....the cctv image they had was definitely a bear running across the road
I’ve spent days binging on something I wish I could get my life back... be glad it was just an hour.
You gave me an idea, I’ll setup my own mini cctv, I’ll post videos of my wildlife. They captured a kangaroo in Florida (for real), I’ll see if I can capture something like that. I’ll be a social media sensation. 🤣🤣

They’ve got swamp apes and giant anacondas in Florida 😂....yes looking forward to your wildlife diaries

Couldn't handle the deep south. Upstate New York all my life. At least on days like this I can get outside in the morning and evening.
It’s still 95 at 8:00 pm here, the road is still steaming from the sun. I like walking after dinner but summers take that away from me.
I do run the in morning 4 days a week but at 5:30-6 am, sun is still a killer and I seem to have heat intolerance when I exercise with my new found middle aging occurring now. 😁😁😁
Haha. Chocolate milk is my recovery drink after running in the heat. I must be a strange breed. 😁😁😁
Chocolate milk is always satisfying
I cut the grass today. Or I should say "this year" 🤔
Grew up in Houston, TX. No A/C at home until I was 5 or 6. None in school until High School. Now live in Wisconsin. People complain about the cold. I just smile. In the summer, people complain about the (infrequent, mild) heat. I just smile.
Though I will say, there’s at least one day (or week) in January or February where I seriously question my life choices. And there are some days—today may be one—where the combination of a southwest wind from Kansas and a regional phenomenon some call “corn sweat” can produce air that is like the breath of a giant dog. St. Louis is worse.
And then there are fellow humans in Yakutsk. Or New Delhi. They just smile.
I grew up here. Through the years summer has gotten hotter. Yesterday it was 85 but felt like 90. I usually don't mind but as I have gotten older the heat bothers me. But this is home and I will stay. I love the mountains especially on the fall. I love knowing when a snow storm is coming so I can get what I need then look out the window and watch the snow. I guess you could say my mind and heart are here but my body protests.
Me too. Today is going to be worse.
I'm in Michigan. The humidity and heat the past few days seems strange and unreal. Going up to 94 degrees today. I'm concerned it might be in the 100s in August. Like 10 years ago, it didn't get this hot before, it would be in the 80s. Global warming is happening, that's what I believe.