I met someone we see each other for a week so far. I need some space. How do you say that to someone? Not to hurt his feelings? He bought me stuff and my son
I’m having anxiety : I met someone we... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m having anxiety

Hi there-
Something like this is what I would aim for: “Things are moving a little quickly with us and while I’m having fun getting to know you, it’s important for me and my son that we go at a pace that doesn’t feel overwhelming. Let’s make a plan to only see each other (fill in # of days that feel appropriate to you) times a week for now and continue with text/phone/email convo and see where things go. I appreciate the gifts that you brought, it was very thoughtful. I am trying to manage expectations for my son right now though so it would be best to hold off on more gift giving unless it’s a special occasion.”
Also, know that anxiety is always heightened even in people who don’t necessarily struggle with it always in the beginning of new relationships. Best thing you can do is be honest about what you’re feeling and if the person your dating cares enough about your happiness to hear you out and work toward finding solutions then keep going. If not, then it’s probably not for you.
Best of luck!
I personally need my " alone time". Lots if it actually! Lol. In the past, whenever I would start seeing someone new, this is something I would tell.them right off. I couldn't function without it. I don't think it would hurt anyone's feelings.
Just tell him things are moving to fast for you. You're uncomfortable. And let him know what you would be comfortable with.
I like all your options I appreciate it thank you take care
I like what you’re saying to thank you take care
That sounds good too thank you Take care