My mind can’t stop when I’m trying to meditate. Help! Any ideas ?
Meditation: My mind can’t stop when I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...

McK, it's very normal for your mind to want to go back to it's thoughts.
That's okay, just stop meditation momentarily and scoot your thought
back to meditation. Do it as many times as you have to in order for your
mind to concentrate on what you are doing in the present moment. Do not
give in to rehashing these useless thoughts.
With practice and time, the subconscious mind can relearn. xx
I think there are times when meditation isn’t very productive. You have to get more accustom to your thinking first. This can be accomplished by reducing activities that are the most engaging. The ones that are providing the strongest distraction to experiencing your thoughts and feelings.
Yeah, it happens all the time. It's a good thing. You begin to notice it. And then you can catch it every time it happens. And when you do so, you take away some of their power each time. It can be a constant back and forth. But it's quite a normal practice. If you ask yourself "am I doing this right?" You probably are. Because you are developing that awareness, which is the opposite of unconsciousness thought
The best advice I've gotten about meditation is that it's normal to have thoughts. Don't fight them. Simply notice that you are having thoughts and go back to the breath. It doesn't matter how many times thoughts arise. Notice and go back. It's all success. It's like building a muscle.
I really struggled with mediation in the beginning. My focus easily wavered and drifted to all kinds of places - including the places I was trying to escape from.
I have found if I have a ticking clock or a metronome nearby it really helps. I usually set the metronome to about 60 BPM, like a clock and focus on that. I'll breathe in for 5 clicks then out for 5 clicks. I find having something to focus on helps to clear my mind and bring me to a place where I am more comfortable to deal with the intrusive thoughts.
I hope this helps you 😊
I like to listen to videos that are specific frequency sounds like this. As Kainan Li said, meditation is really about this exact thing. Bringing your mind back to center after it goes astray. Every time you do this it gets easier. Keep trying! Try not expecting anything to happen. Think of it as just a little rest time. Sometimes that helps too. It's a very subtle thing, but after you get into the habit, you really notice when you don't do it. You're not seeking some sort of goal. Just know that every time you practice your brain gets calmer. Eventually that calmness lasts longer and longer until it is the way you are. Be patient with yourself, The monkey mind is tough to tame! It always wants to be in control, but you have the power to so NO to it. Meditation gives us the calmness that allows us to step back from the thought and decide what to do with it. Learn from it, or let it go without giving it any more energy. Read up on mindfulness and how to utilize it in everyday life. Good luck and don't give up