In conjunction with my last post and a few words of advice regarding meditation or hypnosis videos: how do I relax enough to do it? I have tried so hard many times and end up frustrated in tears because I cannot concentrate. I try deep breathing, relaxing my body, clearing my mind but thoughts keep popping up and I'm right back to square one. Does anyone else have the same issues or have any good techniques for successful meditation?
Meditation : In conjunction with my... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi BlueMoon29. Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. We all have thoughts running through our mind but the important thing is do not dwell on or analyze those thoughts. Let them run through but be a witness, not participant in those thoughts. A quiet room with no distraction will help also. Best wishes 🙏

You're right, that's the problem right there. I'm experiencing thoughts while trying to meditate but I'm entertaining them rather than letting them be then I get upset. I'm going to try again tonight and keep trying till I get it. Thank you!
You’re welcomed. Feel free to message me if you have any question.

Thank you, I will!
Meditation is one of those things where trying hard does not help.
I would recommend that for a start, do something small and simple. Don't use a video.
Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and breathe. Just breathe gently and naturally, in and out. Pay attention to your breath, especially your out-breath. Do not try to control it. Just pay attention to it.
Breathe and focus on your breath for half a minute. End the session.
You can extend the time with practice.
I'm going to keep trying for sure. I really want to be able to do this for peace of mind.
Hi blue
OMG your having a nightmare.
May I suggest when you breath in through your nose concentrate on the feeling the air makes while entering your you breath in through your nose you should feel a kinda tingling on the end of your concentrate on that.
To not concentrate on your thoughts is an art in itself but can be done with practice.
You see it’s all to do with feeling not thinking if you get me.
So say for instance you concentrate on the lovely calm blue air entering your nose yes.
Now as you exhale through your mouth have your lips as if your just gently blowing something.
So you concentrate on your nose as you Breath in and hey guess what concentrate on the feeling of the slow warm circular air as it passes Over your lips.then do that over and over.
Now with lots and lots of practice you will be able to see your thoughts like on a film roll just passing through you.
So this is called circular breathing.
That’s all I’ve ever used and well you will be surprised how far this can get you.
Once you’ve mastered what I’ve advised you to do,come back for part two.and no I’m not by any way patronises your it’s just the way I see feel and say things.
Kinda like straight to the point and that is a great achievement for me and my adhd
Some of the idea behind meditation is to be like an observer of your thoughts. You have a thought, but you are somewhat detached from it. You let your thoughts roll on by like they are clouds in the sky. You don't let any one overtake your brain, you just wait for the next one to come and just observe it, no judgement, and no obsessive thinking. Keep trying, you'll get the idea.

Thank you! I will practice not being distracted by the thoughts.
I wish you a great night, friend.🙂

Here’s the great thing about meditation: Don’t worry about getting it “right” because you can’t get it wrong.