Why is suicide such a frowned upon to... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Why is suicide such a frowned upon topic **Message from the ADAA Admin team. This post contains information that could be upsetting.**

myfavoritehobby profile image
8 Replies

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how come people get so sad when they hear about someone they know committing suicide. I understand we are programmed to be sad about death but if somebody did it themselves doesn't that mean they wanted it to happen? If you have terminal depression and want to kill youself once, you can fix it, but you can never fully recover. I feel like you can put a band-aid on it, and it can be a big old band-aid, but eventually suicidal thoughts will come back. Why can't everybody see that? Am I totally crazy for thinking this? what's going on

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myfavoritehobby profile image
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8 Replies

Because they were able to over come or didn’t suffer long enough or fall for too long. Only people that really suffer a long time and face adversity back to back trying can truly get it.

fauxartist profile image

The 'S' word is often a taboo subject socially...but here...not so much. Many have suicidal ideation, they constantly think about it, and it's something they don't necessarily want to follow through with, but some eventually do. No one wants to think that someone actually wants to commit suicide. There are always those that will placate those discussing it with all the reason's why they should not. One thing about that is, that often it just alienates the person who sees no way out even more. Some suffer so greatly from their depression, they are exhausted, and taking a one way trip seems to be the solution. Many of us here at some point with this disease have thought about it. It's a quick and permanent fix to a temporary situation for many. I will say I'm glad I never followed through. I now have a life worth living, and I have gotten healthier over the decades since I felt that way. But it's a personal choice that only the person contemplating it has to make.

Sprinkle1 profile image

It is too bad suicide has such a condemned stigma too it. I too have had it, it comes with severe long lasting depression, I tried at 20 and again at 46, was discovered both times, I then made an agreement with my self, "suicide is not an option". Last year while going thru a 3 year trip thru hell, I laid in bed and wondered if I could shoot myself, thankfully I had given my gun to a friend. We finally got me on the right med's and a wonderful therapist who specializes in depression/anxiety. I think it takes courage to go thru the motion, one is so desperate and the brain is letting us down. I was So sorry when Robin Williams killed himself, but I totally understood. It is total desperation and pain, which no one can understand unless they have been there. I am hoping this med keeps working for me, I am 78 now and do not think I could take another dose of the illness. When I am well I am happy and content and lead a busy life. No you are not crazy for thinking the way you do, I have been thru it so many times in my life. Thankfully I am fairly healthy but I know it can come back, that thought lays small in the back of my mind. If someone is like me, it is a weakness in my brain

it is a bit like cancer, some people get well and stay well, others are well for a while and the cancer comes back, again and again, I know this to be true as I watched my best friend die, it took 5 years, it would show up in a different place, I loved that lady so much and miss her everyday. I think death is to be celebrated like they do in Ireland and India, the body has died but the spirit is set free and will go on to lead another life. Hope my mail gives you some answers. At this time a Happy long time sufferer. Sending love, happiness, peace, understanding and big hugs........

Bba6 profile image
Bba6 in reply to Sprinkle1

I understood everything you said because It was though I were writing them. I even thought of Robin Williams seconds before you brought him up! I feel this pain and fear and desperation now more than I ever have before. I'm a complete coward and when I'm deep in the misery I just want that pain to go away. The pain makes you want to die not necessarily your life. If all the feelings that constitute that overwhelming pain would suddenly go away...... Life would be more worth living.

Bba6 profile image
Bba6 in reply to Sprinkle1

I'm sorry about your friend. I'm sorry for the hurt you still feel.

Because they will miss you and they love you ., You've touched their lives in someway.

Because it's a temporary solution to a short term problem.

Suicide leaves behind family & friends of complete sadness and hurt for the rest of their lives.

Kaytee1981 profile image

I dont see suicide as a bad thing - if someone is in so much mental and often physical pain due to their mental health and see no other way out then the option should not be a taboo - maybe even by it not being a taboo you actually save that persons life?

I have attempted multiple times, to various degrees, I continue to have what I describe as low level suicidal idealisation as well as more high level which involves planning my prospective attempt. I have three children that I truly believe will be happier and healthier without me around, they have their dad and extended family who they are all very close to, I'm the outsider looking in on them all. My mental health has made their mental health worse and all have input from counselling and are on the edge of social services involvement, how is that fair on them - if I died they could deal with it and move on. If I'm around i only prolong their torment.

I get this thought process is controversial and maybe that's why suicide is a taboo subject because others have a similar thought process. I think even some mental health professionals struggle to have true conversations with their patients about suicide and patients sometimes 'hold back' for fear of the professionals reaction because I think there is confusion over being suicidal and having suicidal thoughts, and as a patient you sometimes have to be very clear which isnt easier when you feel pretty rubbish.

I hope I havent offended or upset anyone but that's my take on you post - it's an interesting topic.

Bba6 profile image
Bba6 in reply to Kaytee1981

My life is different from yours because I'm a lot older but yet they're the same because I'm my life I feel just like you do. I'm so sorry we are going through this.

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