My family messes with me in a normal way, like everyone. However every single comment, every single remark, my love for myself and respect for myself diminish more and more. I feel I have none left. I came on here to find support, my anxeity is too much for me. I know they are right about the "Jokes" thats why it hurts. Am I overdramatic?
Self hate?: My family messes with me in... - Anxiety and Depre...
Self hate?

No I don't think so. They should a bit cruel actually.
No, you’re not being over dramatic. Words hurt. When I was young I tried to express how things that were said in teasing from family members hurt and all I ever heard back was “you’re too sensitive”. Or I would be told the “sticks and stones” rhyme about how “sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you”. Even as a kid I never understood that because words did hurt me. I always felt like “why am I being told that I’m too sensitive instead of the other person being told or understanding that they are being insensitive. So I just had to take it. But I grew up to have very low self esteem, was worried about what other people thought of me, negative self talk, and social anxiety, which led to depression. It can have a whole domino effect. I wish I had some solid advice. I was always told to just ignore it but that just made me angry. It’s very hard to ignore, if not impossible. All I can really give is understanding of your situation and to tell you to fight real hard to find it within yourself to not let it erode your self esteem. It’s the one being hurt that has the ability to have empathy for others and that is a beautiful quality. Hang in there.

Thank you. I think everything you said is me. I hope not but, everyone pushes me away. p. I'm so sorry you were treated like that.
Thank you. I wish we could change other people but they have to want to change themselves. All we can do is control how we act to it and control whether or not we let it affect us or change us. All we can do is work on ourselves, love ourselves, and be successful, not because of them but in spite of them.

Amen....MamaMia3.....great response xx