i'm new here- looking for another support community during the corona changes. Struggled with situational depression on and off for years. Seems to be harder to overcome right now. Retired almost 2 years and trying to find new meaning in my life during the "new normal".
Is it really normal- the "new normal" - Anxiety and Depre...
Is it really normal- the "new normal"

Yes, I think its gonna be the ‘new normal’ - for the foreseeable future, anyway.
The Covid-19 virus, like any other extant organism, has the biological imperative to perpetuate itself. In order to do that, it needs a host. And guess what? We’re the hosts.
So, if we just hunker down and don’t pass it around, it’ll die out sooner rather than later. But I worry, that with all these protesters congregating, that it’s only gonna contribute to a massive wave of a second spread.
Welcome aboard, btw....
Yep! I reckon we’re looking at the new normal for the time being. Hopefully, if we all play ball it will get back to a more normal “normal” sooner.
three months into it- and missing my community i was just starting to get involved in.
I hope not. I miss so many things like sports, zoo trips, going to concerts to even being able to grocery shop with out a ton of stress.
Until we have a vaccine this is the normal for now. I live in the US, hope human behavior here doesn’t burn our cities completely down before that time. Scary times right now sure.

i miss so many simple things- yet am grateful for my physical health. I feel like i should stay cooped up every day- but it isnt required. Each day is a struggle to get through.
Hello and welcome.
I am a 61 woman, who is retired, kind of....
I keep my RN license and have done self employment private duty.
But I had a head injury last July and that has knocked my off my feed. I hope my brain recovers...but it's hard to not be getting cynical because so much time has passed.
Post concussion syndrome. I just take life one day at a time and try to accept that I can do only what I am able to do. I have had to lower my expectations for myself.
These are amazing times to be alive,huh?
I live in rural Central Florida and I was already a homebody before Covid came along!
I was having cognitive dissonance about the virus and how people in this area have been behaving (Like this is a hoax, or nothing to worry about, etc). This was going on before protests ever started occuring.
The restaurants and bars are open. The parking lots are packed!
Meanwhile I have 2 good friends who are Navajo. Both have friends and coworkers who have died from Covid. Young, healthy. And now dead.
So it's quite real to me.
I am glad to have found this sub community of Health Unlocked. I am usually content in my solitude. That is very different for this 'people person'.
Be well-
i also am a retired rn- was eagerly anticipating my retirement until now. Fortunately healthy and only possibly know of one person impacted my the covid. A former ICU coworker- last i heard he was on the vent. Makes it real.
Just saying hello and I hope you are doing well today.
I am just chasing my tail in circles. Confused.
I am going to seek out a counselor. I need help to sort my thoughts.
So I am going to make myself accountable that by the next time I contact you, I will have an appointment with someone! And I will do that within this week.
I am curious about 'kingduke'.
But I sense it has to do with equestrian desire you have in your bio. Do you have horses and ride?
Be well-
I have been retired 2 yr now . Like you depression has been an unwelcome guest in my life. My husband and I have been observant of all the guidelines and precautions re Covid. Ive come to the conclusion that I am going to live my life. I still am careful when going out in public but I am no longer willing to socially distance from my kids, grandkids. They are out, working, going to summer school, socializing , etc and the chance of them bringing Covid to us is higher but Im no longer willing to make that my new normal. I will have the little ones hugging me, sitting on my lap and all the things grandkids do. If I get Covid, then I will deal with it.
My heart goes out to you. I hope you enjoy your time with family- it is the most important thing in the world. Stay safe- i dont have children- let alone grandchildren- and now more than every I wish others love and health.
Ya. This corona thing is getting on my nerves too. I seek out encouragement. I like to listen to encouraging music on KLOVE radio station. Then I like to download messages from Max Lucado. His messages are uplifting too. In addition - I have a small group at church that I get together with - although lately the meetings are online. I pray daily for God's direction. Prayers for your success my friend!
Everyone starts somewhere. I started by listening to Christian music. Very soothing words