For some reason, I’m feeling overwhelmingly lonely today. Just really alone in the world and sad. I finally pulled myself out of bed though but honestly just want to crawl back in. Things seem to be getting worse and I just don’t know what to do...
Lonely: For some reason, I’m feeling... - Anxiety and Depre...

Here's some cyber hugs...
Wanna chat? Would that help?
I'm a good listener. Are you a good conversationalist?
Your writing skills predict that you would be...
Thank you for the cyber hugs! Thank you as well for the compliment regarding my writing skills, I actually appreciate that very much. I’d love to chat, I’m grateful for the offer. I’m not comfortable with a telephone conversation quite yet but if it’s ok with you, I’ll send you a private message a bit later?
Absolutely - pm’s work for me.
I was gifted with the ability to string words together. I do recognize a fellow wordsmith when I read one
eta: what the hay? Somebody turne to bold on.
I understand. Loneliness can be so draining. And, the pandemic makes things so complicated. Congrats on getting out of bed. I know how hard it can be at times. I have been relying on zoom events to help me feel less alone ... free online meditation sessions ... free online support groups. It's not a perfect solution, but it's helpful. I hope you are able to find an option that works for you. Glad you are here so that you can connect with others.
Im so sorry, so many situations that are happening don't help.
Im having such a horrible day too...
Im here if you need someone to talk.
I'm so glad you wrote this because it is getting me to write that I am lonely too. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one. I'm sorry you are a sufferer too.
So many mornings are tough because I want to crawl back under my blankets too. Covid-19 doesn't help but the problem was there way before that so it's part of my morning depression and anxiety.
I'm working on it with my Therapist and it's improved somewhat.
Hugs to you, you're definitely not alone.
X 🌻😊⚓🌞

Thanks Gretel331, I’m sorry you’re feeling lonely too but clearly, I feel your pain. Sadly, knowing I’m not alone does help, I just wish it didn’t mean you were suffering as well!
I had been working on things with my therapist but I canceled my appointment last week and am considering doing the same this week. I know it’s counterproductive, I just don’t feel like I have the energy to talk things through. It feels like too much and I really don’t even know what to say, exactly. Feeling like this is new for me which is why I feel like things are getting worse...
I’m so tired of fighting depression and anxiety, I’m just tired 😓
Yes Kelli-AKA-Case I do understand you wanting to cancel your therapy. I feel the same way all too often. I cancelled last week, one appt. We have two by Telehealth per week and sometimes it's just too overwhelming. I certainly have enough to talk about however sometimes I think it's okay to take some counseling breaks. I think it's totally normal 🙌 to just not feel like talking about tough things and yes so so sooo sick of depression and anxiety... arrggghhhh!! 😣
I would even talk to your Therapist about maybe taking 2 weeks off and to compensate for lost time do a collage of your feelings as opposed to journaling and just writing down your thoughts and feelings which can be boring .😕
Check out my journal prompts on my profile page for ideas. I found a journal magazine in CVS last week and it's actually quite fun.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re overwhelmingly lonely. I hope you are feeling better today.
Continue to share. When I was going through empty nest syndrome, I found comfort after I posted in one of the parents’ online support groups. It’s hard to be lonely and I don’t want to experience that emptiness again. I hope you will find comfort here as well.
Online forums and face to face support groups help me to feel less lonely and not alone. But since we are in lock down it’s difficult for people to meet physically. I meet my friends on zoom once a week aside from chat. You can also try to video call or face time your friends if you need to. Hope to hear from you again. Take care of yourself. God bless.