Has anyone tried TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) for depression? And if so had any success?
TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Anxiety and Depre...
TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Yes and I am an advocate !!! I noticed a huge change in just 2 weeks. I had more energy and could focus. It is amazing. It helps to jolt you out of the depression & fog. It was recommended to me and I was desperate and did not want to go on/try another medication which would take a month or more to even see if it helped and then dealing with all of the side effects/ adjustments which comes with new medication. I was worried I would go through all that and what if the medication didn't work and they have to try another one and continue that cycle. TMS is effective with NO SIDE EFFECTS accept a slight headache for the initial week of treatments It is 36 sessions and you need to commit to each appointment. You continue any current medications you are on while receiving TMS treatments. Think of it as jump starting you car battery. Although you are not being shocked or anything. TMS is a "tapping" feeling on your head. It is a MAGNETIC procedure so you do not lose any memory like you would with ECT treatments.
You can have the TMS treatment and return back to work. I did !
It is truly magical and I wished I had known about this treatment sooner
I am starting today! Wish me luck I am severely depressed.
Good Luck and you will be amazingly surprised that you can go from severely depressed to feeling functional again !!!
Yes I did TMS earlier this year. I went for six weeks (what my insurance would cover) and had a VERY slight improvement in mood. The doc wanted to continue but was turned down by insurance. My caveat is that I have suffered from treatment resistant depression for several decades, tried to take my life twice, and have “failed” at ALOT of meds. The doc wasn’t surprised that it didn’t work so well for me.