As I've said in the past I had a couple really good weeks with no Clonazpem the last 2 week shave been just the opposite. Added on the exhaustion I feel it's really hard to focus and get any work done. Does anyone have any comments on coffee? I cut back tremendously but feel it helps to a certain extend n the AM but anxiety comes roaring back in the afternoon. Trying mindfulness etc but seems my mind always wins out...
daily pit in my stomach: As I've said... - Anxiety and Depre...
daily pit in my stomach

Possibly your medication has started to leave your body, hence your problems
Did you ask your GP before stopping your medication ?
Talk to your GP and discuss how you feel and why you stopped taking your medications.
He will advise
I hope your dr. Properly tapered you off. caffeine gave me anxiety when I tapered off of alprazolam for a few months. I’m back on caffeine after 6months off and don’t feel anxious after a cup anymore. What really helped me was a workout first thing in the morning and the anxiety was much more manageable. Best of luck you already made it past the toughest part congrats! Just keep your body moving and it will help quiet the anxiety.
I only take clonezapam as needed since I’m on Wellbutrin, which i take regularly. But I was doing good not needing it but started taking it again.
MustangMac, that morning cup of coffee is a stimulant, maybe making
you feel good for a while but then by afternoon the adrenaline rises as
well as anxiety.
Borderriever is right in that playing with your dose of medication can
certainly cause the anxiety to come back full force. Your doctor is the
best one to ask and advise you. xx