3 words hold the key to recovery. Let it go. Let go of the grip that people have on those anxious thoughts. Let go of the feelings that are driving them crazy (pssst...they won’t). Let go of trying to do anything to rid themselves of their constant anxiety.
Let go...and accept. Accept that what is happening to you is perfectly normal under the circumstances and live your life as if you did not feel anxious all the time.
It is just the mind and body’s way of releasing negative energy that has built up due to stress or trauma. This is how the mind and body recovers. Unfortunately, many people don’t know this and are bewildered and frightened as to what is happening to them. Being afraid of these natural symptoms of stress just creates more fear, more stress and become trapped in a vicious cycle. It’s the not knowing.
When you do know and understand. it becomes easier to accept what is happening to your mind and body and to literally step aside of yourself and to leave or let go. It takes time to let this natural healing process do its thing. Time for your sensitised nerves to recover and de-sensitise and recognised by the sufferers ability to cope with life again. They become more resilient and much less prone to being overwhelmed by trivial matters. Matters that used to leave them in a crumpled heap are now done without even thinking about it. They have their life back and all because of those 3 words which are immensely powerful when you truly understand what they mean.
For the record, I used to suffer from terrible anxiety for quite some time. I suffered all day, every day without much respite. It was like Groundhog Day but without the laughs. I recovered by following the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes who pioneered self help treatment for anxiety and depression. I bought her book called Essential Help fo your Nerves but there is also a lot of her material on Youtube and those who recovered by applying her teachings.
I did it without medication because I learned that those sensations, although very scary, were perfectly normal and had to be felt (nerves de-sensitising) in order for them to be released.
Recovery didn’t happen overnight and was a gradual process with lots of setbacks ( perfectly normal) along the way when you think you are going back to square one. You might feel that way but it’s just anxious thoughts trying their hardest to bluff you into believing recovery won’t happen and a measure of how far you have travelled along that road to recovery.
Recovery is waiting to happen. You don’t need to go looking for it either. It will happen, naturally. When you learn to let go.